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Major in Law

Department Introduction
  • Address : College of Law & Public Administration 314. Major in Law, The University of suwon, 17, Wauan-gil, Bongdam-eup, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do 18323, Republic of Korea
  • Location : College of Law & Public Administration Building 3rd floor
  • TEL: 031-220-2508
  • FAX : 031-220-2459
Major Introduction

Law is the study of logics which interprets human behavior on the basis of legal norms and finally seeks to establish fair and just system of law in the society. Modern civilized society requires law without which there cannot be any order in social systems and relations including not only minor relationships but also national systems. Major in Law aims to foster future leaders who will devote themselves to the development of the State and society by teaching students to build an insight, legal mind and sound values. Therefore, it emphasizes the education of practical legal knowledge which properly combines legal theory and practice.

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