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Major in Painting

Department Introduction
  • Address : 114, Building of Fine Arts, Major in Painting, The University of Suwon, 17, Wauan-gil, Bongdam-eup, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do 18323, Republic of Korea
  • Location : 114, Building of Fine Arts
  • TEL : 031-220-2540(Korean Painting),
    031-220-2541(Western Painting)
  • FAX : 031-220-2554
Major Introduction

The major aims to bring up leaders in painting with free will, infinite imagination, creative spirit which can combine tradition with modernism in international painting society. It offers programs to help students to strengthen their basic skills and to understand traditional painting as well as modern painting and to develop his/her own creativity and expression. It also makes an attempt to set up a new vision and concept for a global paradigm in the 21 century.

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