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Division of Design


The division offers majors in communication design, fashion design, and craft design. It aims at fostering 3 kinds of competent persons in design: one who respects and succeeds human tradition and culture; one who has critical thoughts and problem-solving skill; one who has an enterprising spirit with creativity.

Communication Design belongs to a design area which communicates the needs between enterprises and consumers through various media. Students are taught to understand not only changing visual environments and delivering media but also systems of meaning for diverse informations. In the first phase, freshmen and sophomores study fundamental principles of visual design, typography, and various media. In the second phase, juniors and seniors study brand design, package design, advertisement design, web/app design, image design, motion graphics, UX, editorial design which are specialized and needed by enterprises.

Fashion Design aims to cultivate professional and creative fashion designers. The curriculum consists of both theoretical and practical studies promoting expression as well as creativeness. Major courses offered include computer fashion and fashion coordination. Trained in technical drills and working with computers, our graduates will contribute to enhancing the significance of fashion design in modern society, thus forging the link between academia and industry. The field work from junior years in cooperation with industry provides students with more on-site know-hows and experiences enhancing their understanding of fashion industry.

Craft Design aims to bring up artists with an enterprising spirit, who will lead the way in setting the trends of the 21 century. The curriculum is divided into two major fields of fiber craft design and ceramic design. Freshmen and sophomores are provided with various courses about basic designs for both ceramic and fiber design so as to choose their major. After the choice of the major, juniors and seniors take more intensive courses of each field. Students have a better chance to get a job with their university-industry cooperation research activities and field work.

Majors and degree program
Majors and degree program
Major Undergraduate course Master Degree course Doctor Degree course
Major in Communication Design
Major in Fashion Design
Major in Craft Design
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