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Division of Humanity

Department Introduction
  • Address : College of Humanities 111. Major in Korean Language & Literature, The University of suwon, 17, Wauan-gil, Bongdam-eup, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do 18323, Republic of Korea
  • Location : College of Humanities Building 5th floor
  • TEL: 031-220-2502
Major Introduction

In the Department of Korean Language and Literature, the characteristics of Korean language and writings are the major parts of the research. The formalities and beauty of the Korean texts and the significance therein are also studied. In order to conduct these studies successfully, the Department provides curriculum based on Korean linguistics, classical Korean literature and modern Korean literature with additional applied interdisciplinary studies. Each curriculum of the specific fields will let students gain essential and advanced knowledge of the field by completing the curriculum step by step, which will enable them to serve as a major in Korean language and literature. Students can also build their humanistic insights that are required in our daily lives and gain interdisciplinary knowledge as well. Furthermore, they can build their own plans suitable to their own aptitudes and visions by participating in group activities.

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