교수소개 교수소개 정보공개 방법 : 포털로그인→종합정보시스템→인사→자기소개등록 공개여부 체크
성 명 장성태
소속학부 (과) 컴퓨터SW 전공 컴퓨터구조, 차세대 Mobile Embedded System, 보안감시 기술
이메일 stjhang@suwon.ac.kr 연구실 ICT 융합대학 510호
연락처 031-220-2126 FAX 031-229-8281
홈페이지 미설정
학 력
  • 1982.3 - 1986.2 : 서울대학교 컴퓨터공학과 학사
    1986.3 - 1988,2 : 서울대학교 컴퓨터공학과 석사
    1988.3 - 1994.2 : 서울대학교 컴퓨터공학과 박사
경 력
  • 1994.03 ~ 현재  수원대학교 컴퓨터학과 교수
    2016.01 ~ 2019.12 인터넷정보학회 이사
    2008.07 ~ 2020.06  경기도지역협력연구센터(GRRC) "U-city 보안감시 기술협력센터" 센터장
    2008.07 ~ 현재 수원대학교 "U-city 보안감시 기술협력센터" 센터장

    2017.03 ~ 2020-02  수원대학교 ICT 융합대학 학장
    2007.03  ACM SAC 2007 공로상 수상
    2008.07  한국정보과학회 논문공헌상 수상
    2008.07 ~ 2011.12  수원대학교 IT 대학 NEXT 사업단 단장
    2009.10  CTIC & ACM Outstanding Service Award 수상
    2012.10  경기도 GRRC 최우수 연구센터 수상
    2012.10  경기도 GRRC 육성 유공표장(IT분야 우수연구자 수상)
    2011.11  ACM RACS 2011 Outstanding Service Award
    2013.06  2013년도 한국정보과학회 학부생우수논문상 수상(지도교수)
    2014.12  산학협력우수 교수(수원대)
  • 컴퓨터구조, 차세대 Mobile Embedded System 설계, 캐쉬 일관성 유지 방안, 차세대 SI(Strongly Interconnectable) PC 설계, 지능형 보안 감시 시스템
주요논문 (최근 5년간)
  • 1) 국내 전문 학술지(Domestic Journal)

    [1] 장성태, 전주식, “분리형 트랜잭션 버스를 기반으로한 다중 프로세서 시스템을 위해 개선된 쓰기-무효화 스누핑 캐쉬 일관성 유지 프로토콜(An Enhanced Write-invalidate Snooping Cache Coherence Protocol for Multiprocessor Systems with Split Transaction Bus)”, 한국정보과학회 논문지, 제21권 1호, pp.53-66, 1994.
    [2] 장성태, 김명주, 이재황, 전주식, “개선된 MESI 쓰기-무효화 스누핑 캐쉬 일관성 프로토콜(An Enhanced MESI Write-invalidate Snooping Cache Protocol)”, 한국정보과학회 논문지, 제 21권 11호, pp.2163-2173, 1994.
    [3] 장성태 “MI-MESI 쓰기-무효화 스누핑 캐쉬 일관성 유지 프로토콜(MI-MESI Write Invalidate Snooping Cache Coherence Protocol)”, 한국정보처리학회 논문지, 제 2권 5호, pp.757-767, 1995.
    [4] 이상은, 장성태, 전주식, “디렉토리 캐쉬를 이용한 공유 메모리 모듈의 성능 향상(Performance Improvement of the Shared Memory Module using Directory Cache)”, 한국정보과학회 논문지, 제 23권 2호, pp.214-225, 1996.
    [5] 조진행, 이재범, 장성태, 전주식, “분산형 공유 메모리를 갖는 계층 버스 다중 프로세서 시스템의 효율적인 캐쉬 일관성 유지 방안(An Efficient Cache Coherence Scheme in Hierarchical Bus Multiprocessor System with Distributed Shared Memory)”, 한국정보과학회 논문지(A), 제 23권 8호, pp.846-857, 1996.
    [6] 이재범, 서효중, 장성태, 엄성용, 전주식, “공유 버스 다중 프로세서 시스템의 성능 및 시험성 향상(Improvement on Performance and Testability of Shared-bus Multiprocessor System)”, 한국정보과학회 논문지(C), 제 2권 4호, pp.426-436, 1996.
    [7] 정성우, 서효중, 이재범, 김형호, 최효진, 장성태, 전주식, “디렉토리 모듈을 갖는 링 구조의 공유 메모리 다중 프로세서 시스템의 설계와 성능 분석(Design and Performance Evaluation of Ring-Based Shared Memory Multiprocessor System with a Central Directory Module)”, 한국정보과학회 논문지(A), 제 25권 2호, pp.114-123, 1998.
    [8] 서효중, 장성태, 전주식, “내포성이 제거된 공유 캐시에 기반한 계층 버스 CC-NUMA 다중 처리기의 성능 향상(Performance Improvement of a Hierarchical Bus CC-NUMA Multiprocessor System by Shared Cache without the Inclusion Property)”, 한국정보과학회 논문지(A), 제 25권 3호, pp.306-321, 1998.
    [9] 정성우, 김형호, 장성태, 전주식, “새로운 스누핑 프로토콜을 사용한 링 구조의 다중 프로세서 시스템(Ring-based Multiprocessor System using New Snooping Protocol)”, 한국정보과학회 논문지(A), 제 26권 3호, pp.313-323, 1999.
    [10] 성현중, 장성태, 전주식, “스누핑 프로토콜을 사용하는 NUMA 시스템의 계층적 링 구조로의 확장(Hierarchical Ring Extension of NUMA System Using Snooping Cache Coherence Protocol)”, 한국정보과학회 논문지(A), 제 26권 11호, pp.1305-1317, 1999.
    [11] 문의선, 장성태, 전주식, “CC-NUMA 시스템을 위한 인접 우선 방식의 동기화 기법(Adjacency Preferred Synchronization Methods for CC-NUMA System)”, 병렬처리학회지, 10권 2호, pp.67-74, 1999.
    [12] 장병순, 장성태, 전주식, “링 구조 다중 프로세서 시스템에서 링 대역폭 확장을 위한 효율적인 방안(Efficient Schemes for Scaling the Ring Bandwidth in Ring-based Multiprocessor System)”, 한국정보과학회 논문지 : 시스템 및 이론, 제 27권 2호, pp.177-187, 2000.
    [13] 문의선, 장성태, 전주식, “CC-NUMA 시스템에서의 동기화 기법에 대한 성능 비교(Performance Comparison of Synchronization Methods for CC-NUMA System)”, 한국정보과학회 논문지 : 시스템 및 이론, 제 27권 4호, pp.394-400, 2000.
    [14] 김철홍, 김명주, 장성태, 엄성용, 전주식, “링 구조 NUMA 시스템에서 디스크 입출력의 성능향상을 위한 효율적인 방안("Efficient Schemes for Enhancing Performance of Disk I/O in Ring based NUMA System"), 한국정보과학회 논문지 : 시스템 및 이론, 제 28권 3호, pp.134-143, 2001.
    [15] 윤주범, 장성태. 전주식, “이중 링 CC-NUMA 시스템에서 링 구조 변화에 따른 시스템 성능 분석(Analysis of System Performance by changing the Ring Architecture on Dual Ring CC-NUMA System)”, 한국정보과학회 논문지 : 시스템 및 이론, 제 29권 2호, pp.105-115, 2002.
    [16] 경진미, 장성태, “리피터 노드를 이용한 Scalable CC-NUMA 시스템(Scalable CC-NUMA System using Repeater Node)”, 한국정보과학회 논문지 : 시스템 및 이론, 제 29권 9호, pp.503-513, 2002.
    [17] 곽종욱, 장성태, 전주식, “링 구조 NUMA 시스템에서 적응형 다중 그레인 원격 캐쉬 설계(Application Behavior-oriented Adaptive Remote Access Cache in Ring based NUMA System)”, 한국정보과학회 논문지 : 시스템 및 이론, 제 30권 9⋅10호, pp.461-476, 2003.
    [18] 신숭헌, 곽종욱, 장성태, 전주식, “NUMA 시스템에서 소유권에 근거한 원격 캐쉬 교체 정책(Keeping-Ownership Replacement Policy of Remote Cache in NUMA System)”, 한국정보과학회 논문지 : 시스템 및 이론, Vol. 31, No.8, 2004.
    [19] 김수한, 김인석, 김봉준, 장성태, “코달링 구조의 CC-NUMA 시스템을 위한 원격캐쉬 교체정책(The Remote Cache Replacement Policy for the Chordal Ring Based CC-NUMA System)”, 한국정보과학회 논문지 : 시스템 및 이론, Vol. 31, No.11, pp.643-657, 2004.
    [20] 곽종욱, 이현배, 장성태, 전주식, “프로세서 재사용 정보를 이용하는 개선된 고성능 희생 캐쉬(Advanced Victim Cache with Processor Reuse Information)”, 한국정보과학회 논문지 : 시스템 및 이론, Vol. 31, No.12, pp.704-715, 2004.
    [21] 한상윤, 곽종욱, 장성태, 전주식, “다중 프로세서 시스템에서 프로세서 지역성을 이용한 원격 캐쉬 교체 정책(Remote Cache Replacement Policy Using Processor Locality in Multi-Processor System)”, 한국정보과학회 논문지 : 시스템 및 이론, Vol. 32, No.11, pp.541-556, 2005.
    [22] 김철홍, 심성훈, 전주식, 장성태, “선택적 희생 캐쉬를 이용한 저전력 고성능 시스템 설계 방안(An Energy-Delay Efficient System with Adaptive Victim Caches)”, 한국정보과학회 논문지 : 시스템 및 이론, Vol. 32, No.12, pp.663-674, 2005.
    [23] 심성훈, 김철홍, 장성태, 전주식, “고성능 내장 프로세서의 에너지 소비 감소를 위한 데이터 캐쉬 통합 설계 방법(Hybrid Scheme of Data Cache Design for Reducing Energy Consumption in High Performance Embedded Processor)”, 한국정보과학회 논문지 : 시스템 및 이론, Vol. 33, No.3, pp.166-177, 2006.
    [24] 곽종욱, 장성태, 전주식, “고성능 프로세서를 위한 분기 명령어의 동적 History 길이 조절 기법(Dynamic Per-Branch History Length Fitting for High-Performance Processor)”, 한국전자공학회 논문지 제 44권 CI, 제 2호, pp.130-139, 2007.
    [25] 김수한, 이명원, 장성태, “임베디드 시스템을 위한 MPEG-4 동영상 플레이어 구현(Implementation of a MPEG-4 Video Player for Embedded Systems)”, 정보처리학회논문지 D, 제 14-D권 제 3 호, pp.311-318, 2007.
    [26] 김주환, 곽종욱, 장성태, 전주식, “RAS 오염 방지를 통한 함수 복귀 예측 정확도 향상(Prediction Accuracy Enhancement of Function Return Address vis RAS Pollution Prevention)", 대한전자공학회 논문지, 제 48권 CI편 제 3호, pp.54-68, 2011.

    2) 국제 학술지(International Journal)

    [1] Sung Woo Chung, Hyung Ho Kim, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, "Design and Performance Evaluation of Ring-Based Multiprocessor System using New Snooping Protocol", ISCA International Journal of Computers and Their Applications, pp.94-103, Aug. 2000.
    [2] Cheol Hong Kim, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, and Chu Shik Jhon,"Adaptive Block Management for Victim Cache by Exploiting L1 Cache History Information", LNCS3207, pp.1-11, Springer-Verlag, 2004.
    [3] Sunghoon Shim, Jong Wook Kwak, Cheol Hong Kim, Seong Tae Jhang, and Chu Shik Jhon, "Power-Aware Branch Logic: A Hardware Based Technique for Filtering Access to Branch Logic", Springer-Verlag's Lecture Note in Computer Science, LNCS 3553, pp.162-171, July 2005.
    [4] Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, and Chu Shik Jhon, "History Length Adjustable gshare Predicator for High Performance Embedded Processor", Springer-Verlag's Lecture Note in Computer Science, LNCS 3983, pp.631-638, May 2006.
    [5] Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, and Chu Shik Jhon, "Accuracy Enhancement by Selective Use of Branch History in Embedded Processor", Springer-Verlag's Lecture Note in Computer Science, LNCS 3994, pp.979-986, May 2006.
    [6] Soong Hyun Shin, Seong Tae Jhang, "An Intra-Task DVS Scheme Exploiting Tree-Based WCET Analyses for High-Security Low-Performance Systems", Information : An International Interdisciplinary Journal(Vol.11/No.5), pp.659-672, September 2008.
    [7] Jongwook Kwak, Ju-Han Kim, Seong Tae Jhang, and Chu Shik Jhon, "Early Start Prediction to Tolerate Branch Prediction Latencyr", Information : An International Interdisciplinary Journal(Vol.11/No.5), pp673-688. September 2008.
    [8] Soong Hyun Shin, Seong Tae Jhang, "An Efficient Reliability Enhancing Method for TLB Tag", Information : An International Interdisciplinary Journal(Vol.12/No.4), pp.775-788, July 2009.
    [9] Jungwook Kim, Seong Tae Jhang, "Hardware-based Thermal-Aware Register-Renaming Technique in Microprocessors", An International Interdisciplinary Journal(Vol.13/No.2), pp.389-408, March 2010.
    [10] Young-Sik Eom, Soong-Hyun Shin, Seong Tae Jhang, "Energy Aware Hamming Encoder for False Hit Detection in Data Cache", An International Interdisciplinary Journal(Vol.13/No.2), pp.427-442, March 2010.
    [11] Jungwook Kim, Seong Tae Jhang, Seung Jin Moon, Chu Shik Jhon, "Register-Relocation: a Thermal-aware Renaming Method for Reducing Temperature of Register File", ACM Applied Computing Review, Vol.11, No.1 pp.41-51, September, 2010.
    [12] Jungwook Kim, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "Thermal-aware Register File based on Heat Transfer", Autonomic Systems, Springer Birkhauser, pp.81~102, October, 2010.
    [13] Jungwook Kim, Seong Tae Jhang, Soo Goog Shon Chu Shik Jhon, "Temperature Reduction of Register File by Effective Heat-Dissipation Structure“, An International Interdisciplinary Journal(Vol.14/No.5), ISSN 1343-4500, pp.1675~1694, May 2011.
    [14] Young-Sik Eom, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, "Throttling Capacity Sharing Using Life Time and Reuse Time Prediction in Private L2 Caches of Chip Multiprocessors", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Volume E95-D No.6 ISSN 0916-8532, pp.1676-1679, June 2012.
    [15] Young-Sik Eom, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, "Evaluation of Selective Spilling Policy for Capacity Sharing of Private L2 Caches in CMP Architectures", An International Interdisciplinary Journal(Vol.15/No.7), ISSN 1343-4500, pp.2845~2862, July 2012.
    [16] Yun Kyo Cho, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, "Selective Word Reading for Low Power Processor with No Loss of Performance through Architectural Improvement" An International Interdisciplinary Journal(Vol.15/No.7), ISSN 1343-4500, pp.2957~2972, July 2012.
    [17] Young-Sik Eom, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, "Bypass Extended Stack Processing for Anti-Thrashing Replacement in Shared Last Level Cache of Chip Multiprocessors", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E96-D No.2 ISSN 0916-8532, pp.370~374, Feb. 2013.
    [18] Jong Wook Kwak, Seokbin Kang and Seong Tae Jhang, "On-chip Inter-victim Cache Architecture and its Snooping Protocol for Shared Bus-based CMP Systems”, An International Interdisciplinary Journal(Vol.16/No.5), ISSN 1343-4500, pp.3185-3196, May 2013.
    [19] Deqian Fu and Seong Tae Jhang, "Visual Tracking via Multiple Representative Basic Appearance Models Based on L1 Minimization”, An International Interdisciplinary Journal(Vol.16/No.8(A)), ISSN 1343-4500, pp.5711~5722, August 2013.
    [20] Deqian Fu and Seong Tae Jhang, "A Robust Visual Tracker with a Coupled-classifier Based on Multiple Representative Appearance Models”, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E96-D, No.8, ISSN 0916-8532, pp.1826~1835, August 2013.
    [21] Shu Juan Gao, Insuk Kim and Seong Tae Jhang, "Sparse representation based target detection in Infrared Image”, International Journal of Energy, Information and Communications(IJEIC), SERSC(Science and Engineering Research Support soCiety), Vol.4, Issue 6, ISSN: 2093-9655, pp.21~28, Dec. 2013.
    [22] Ju Hee Choi, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, "Data Filter Cache with Partial Tag Matching for Low Power Embedded Processor”, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E97-D, No.4, ISSN 0916-8532, pp.972~975, April 2014.
    [23] Deqian FU, Wenyin Zhang, Seong Tae Jhang, "A Method for Transforming the Online Handwritten Mathematical Formula into MathML”, Advanced Materials Research, Vols.989-994, ISSN 1662-8985, pp.2156~2160, July 2014.
    [24] Deqian FU, Seong Tae Jhang, Cui, Yifeng; Jiang, Zhaolin, "New Fast Algorithm for Optimal Design of Block Digital Filters By Skew-cyclic Convolution”, IET Signal Processing, Print ISSN 1751-9675, Online ISSN 1751-9683, Volume 8, Issue 6, pp.633~638, August 2014.
    [25] Shu Juan Gao, Insuk Kim and Seong Tae Jhang, "Infrared Target Tracking Using Naive-Bayes-Nearest-Neighbor”, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E98-D, No.2, ISSN 0916-8532, pp.471-474, Feb. 2015
    [26] Zifen Yang, Lihua Han, Deqian Fu and Seong Tae Jhang, "Improved Route Discovery based on Constructing Connected Dominating Set in MANET”, Hindawi International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2015, Article ID 612102, 7 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/612102.
    [27] Deqian Fu, Zifen Yang, Lihua Han and Seong Tae Jhang, "A Greedy Algorithm on Constructing the Minimum Connected Dominating Set in Wireless Network”, Hindawi International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2016, Article ID 1703201, 6 pages, 2016.
    [28] Ju Hee Choi, Jong Wook Kwak, and Seong Tae Jhang , "Cache Data Compression for Non-Volatile Memories based Last-Level Cache”, An International Interdisciplinary Journal(Vol.19/No.11(A)), ISSN 1343-4500, pp.5219~5234, Nov. 2016.
    [29] Feng Liu,  Seong Tae Jhang, Sung-Wkun Oh, Zun"Boundedness and continuity of Marcinkiewicz integrals associated to homogeneous mapping on Triebel-Lizorkin spaces", Frontiers of Mathematics in China(Vol. 14/Issue 1), ISSN 1673-3576, pp.95~122, Feb. 2019.
    [30] Feng Liu, Zunwei Fu, Seong Tae Jhang, Sung-Kwun Oh, Zunwei Fu, " Variation Inequalities for One-Sided Singular Integrals and Related Commutators", Mathematics(Vol. 7/Issue 10), 876, ISSN 2227-7390, Oct. 2019.
    [31] Yaru Fu, Xiaoyu Jiang, Zhaolin Jiang, Seong Tae Jhang, "Analytic determinants and inverses of Toeplitz and Hankel tridiagonal matrices with perturbed columns", Journal of Special Matrices, ISSN : 2300-7451, pp.131-143, Vol. 8, May 2020.
    [32] Yaru Fu, Xiaoyu Jiang, Zhaolin Jiang, Seong Tae Jhang, "Properties of a class of perturbed Toeplitz periodic tridiagonal matrices", Computational and Applied Mathematics, ISSN : 2238-3603, Article number 146(2020), pp.1-19, Vol. 39, No. 3, May 2020.
    [33] Yaru Fu, Xiaoyu Jiang, Zhaolin Jiang, Seong Tae Jhang, "Inverses and eigenpairs of tridiagonal Toeplitz matrix with opposite-bordered rows", Journal of Analysis and Computation, ISSN : 2158-1613, Vol.10, No.4, August 2020. 
    [34] Wei Yang, Seong Tae Jhang, Shao Guang Shi, Zhen Ming Ma, "A novel method to derive the intutionistic multiplicative priority vector for the intuitioninstic multiplicative preference relation", Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 39, No 1, ISSN print : 1064-1246, ISSN online: 1875-8967. pp. 1371-1380, July 2020.  
    [35] Wei Yang, Seong Tae Jhang, Shao Guang Shi, Zhen Ming Ma, "A novel additive consistency for intuitionistic fuzzy preference relations in group decision making", Applied Intelligence, Vol. 50, No 12, ISSN print : 0924-669X, ISSN online: 1573-7497. pp. 4343-4356, Dec. 2020. 

    [36] Yaru Fu, Xiaoyu Jiang, Zhaolin Jiang, Seong Tae Jhang, "Fast Algorithms for finding the solution solution of CUPL-Toeplitz linear system from Markov chain“, Applied Mathematics and Computation, ISSN: 0096-3003, Volume 396, 1 May 2021. 
    [37] Wei Yang, Seong Tae Jhang, Zun Wei Fu, Ze Shui Xu, Zhen Ming Ma, "A novel method to derive the intuitionistic fuzzy priority vectors from intuitionistic fuzzy preference relations”, Soft Computing (SOCO), ISSN print: 1432-7643, ISSN online: 1433-7479, pp.147~159, Vol. 25, No. 1, January 2021
    [38] Hak Jin Lee, Seong Tae Jhang and Hyung Jong Jin, "Potential Target Site for Inhibitors in MLSB Antibiotic Resistanc”, antibiotics, ISSN 2079-6382, pp.1~17, Vol. 10, No. 3, March 2021
    [39] FENG LIU, SEONGTAE JHANG, RUI BU AND ZUNWEI FU, "MAPPING PROPERTIES OF MULTILINEAR FRACTIONAL MAXIMAL OPERATORS IN METRIC MEASURE SPACES”, Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, ISSN: 1846-579X(print), 1848-9575(online), pp.375-393, Vol.15, No.1, March 2021.
    [40] Wei Yang, Seong Tae Jhang, Shao Guang Shi, Ze Shui Xu, Zhen Ming Ma, "Aggregating Intuitionistic Fuzzy Preference Relations with Symmetrical Intuitionistic Fuzzy Bonferroni Mean Operators in Group Decision Making”, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, ISSN: 2199-3211, pp.455~473, Vol.23, No 2, March 2021.
    [41] Chen, Wei, Wu, Yue, Jhang, Seongtae, "On nontrivial solutions of nonlinear Schrödinger equations with sign-changing potential.”, Advances in Difference Equations volume 2021, Article number: 232 (2021) , 10 pp. ISSN: 1687-1847.
    [42] Yinuo Yang, Qingyan Wu, Seong Tae Jhang and Qianqian Kang, "Approximation Theorems Associated with Multidimensional Fractional Fourier Transform and Applications in Laplace and Heat Equations”, Fractal Fractional, volume 6, Issue 11,
    Nov, 2022, ISSN: 2504-3110.
    [43] Yinuo Yang, Qingyan Wu, and Seong Tae Jhang, "2D Linear Canonical Transforms on Lp and Applications”, Fractal Fractional, volume 7, Issue 2, 17 Jan 2023, ISSN: 2504-3110.

    3) 국제학술회의(International Conference)

    [1] Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, “A New Write-Invalidate Snooping Cache Coherence Protocol for Split Transation Bus Based Multiprocessor System”, Proceedings of IEEE TENCON'93/Beijing, Vol.1, pp.229-232, 1993.
    [2] Seong Tae Jhang, et. al., “STARRING : Slotted Ring_Based Multiprocessor System with a Central Directory Module”, 1997 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing, Vol. 1 of 2, pp.130-133, Canada, Aug. 20-22, 1997.
    [3] Nak Hee Seong, Hyung Ho Kim, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, “Performance Evaluation of Snooping Virtual Bus using Unidirectional Point-to-Point Links”, The 1998 International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communications(ICEIC '98), pp.Ⅱ.254-Ⅱ.257, China, Aug.18-20, 1998.
    [4] Eui Sun Moon, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, “Adjacency Preferred Hardware Synchronization Method for CC-NUMA Systems”, The 1998 International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communications(ICEIC '98), pp.Ⅱ.9-Ⅱ.12, China, Aug.18-20, 1998.
    [5] Hyo-Joong Suh, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, “Inclusion Property in DIstributed Shared Memory Multiprocessor Systems”, The 1998 International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communications(ICEIC '98), pp.Ⅱ.13-Ⅱ.15, China, Aug.18-20, 1998.
    [6] Sung Woo Chung, Seong Tae Jhang, and C. S. Jhon, “PANDA : Ring Based Multiprocessor System using New Snooping Protocol”, ICPADS'98(International Conference on Parallel and Distributed System), pp.10-17, December 1998.
    [7] E. S. Moon, Seong Tae Jhang, and C. S. Jhon, “Analysis of the Relation of Synchronization Algorithm and Parallel Programs in Shared-Memory Multiprocessor Systems”, Proceedings of High-Performance Computing Symposium(HPCS), April 2000.
    [8] Sung Woo Chung, Hyo-Joong Suh, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, “Performance Issues in Ring-Based Multiprocessor Systems”, Eighteenth IASTED International Conference on Applied Informatics, pp.274-277, Feb. 2000.
    [9] E. S. Moon, Seong Tae, Jhang, and C. S. Jhon, “Comparison of Fairness of Synchronization Algorithms in CC-NUMA Systems”, Eighteenth IASTED International Conference on Applied Informatics, pp.244-248, Feb. 2000.
    [10] E. S. Moon, S. T. Jhang, and C. S. Jhon, “Experimental Analysis of Synchronization Methods for CC-NUMA Systems”, 19'th IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference(IPCCC 2000), pp.583-589, Feb. 2000.
    [11] Sung Woo Chung, Seong Tae Jhang, and C. S. Jhon, “Analysis of Slotted Ring Network in Real-Time Systems”, ISCA(International Society for Computers and their Applications) CATA-2000 Conference, pp.5-8, March, 2000.
    [12] Chul Hong Kim, Seong Tae Jhang, and Chu Shik Jhon, “Alternatives to Enhance the Performance of Disk I/O in Ring-Based Multiprocessors”, PDPTA'2000(The 2000 International Conference on Parallel/Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications), pp.2227-2232, June, 2000.
    [13] Sung Woo Chung, Seong Tae Jhang, and C. S. Jhon, “The Impact of Network Bandwidth on the Performance of Ring-Based Multiprocessor Systems”, PDCS-2000(ISCA 13th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems), pp.35-40, Aug. 2000.
    [14] Hyo Jin Choi, Hyo-Joong Suh, Seong Tae Jhang, and Chu Shik Jhon, “A Method for an Integrated Simulation Linked with Scheduling Policies on a Program-driven Simulation”, IEEE MASCOT S2000(Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems), pp.134-141, Aug. 2000.
    [15] Joo Beom Yun, Cheol Won Lee, Seong Tae Jhang, and Chu Shik Jhon, “Analysis of System Performance by Changing the Ring Architecture on Dual Ring CC-NUMA System”, ICPADS'2002, Dec. 2002.
    [16] Jong Wook Kwak, Cheol Hong Kim, Seong Tae Jhang, and Chu Shik Jhon, “Multi-Grain Remote Access Cache in NUMA System”, HPC Asia 2004(7th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Grid in Asia Pacific Region), pp.178-185, July 20-22. 2004.
    [17] Cheol Hong Kim, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, and Chu Shik Jhon, “Adaptive Block Management for Victim Cache by Exploiting L1 Cache History Information”, EUC2004(International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing), Aug. 25-27, 2004.
    [18] Sunghoon Shim, Jong Wook Kwak, Cheol Hong Kim, Seong Tae Jhang, and Chu Shik Jhon, "Power-Aware Branch Logic: A Hardware Based Technique for Filtering Access to Branch Logic", 5th International Workshop, SAMOS 2005, pp.162-171, July 2005.
    [19] Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, and Chu Shik Jhon, "History Length Adjustable gshare Predicator for High Performance Embedded Processor", Workshop on Embedded System for Ubiquitous Computing(ESUC-2006), pp.631-638, May 2006.
    [20] Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, and Chu Shik Jhon, "Accuracy Enhancement by Selective Use of Branch History in Embedded Processor", Real Time Systems and Adaptive Applications(RTSAA 06), pp.979-986, May 2006.
    [21] Soong Hyun Shin, Seong Tae Jhang, and Chu Shik Jhon, "An Intra-Task for High-Security Low-Performance Embedded System", International Conference on Convergence Technology and Information Convergence 2007 (CTIC 2007), pp.16-20, Nov. 2007.
    [22] Soong Hyun Shin, Sung Woo Chung, Wooil Kim, Seong Tae Jhang, and Chu Shik Jhon, "Generating Partial Tag Parity Bits to Avoid False Hits in L1 Caches", International Conference on Convergence Technology and Information Convergence 2008 (CTIC 2008), pp.126-131, Nov. 2008.
    [23] Ju-Hwan Kim, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "Branch Pre-Prediction: A New Pipeline Stage for Increasing Instruction Fetch Bandwidth", International Conference on Convergence Technology and Information Convergence 2009 (CTIC 2009), pp.116-122, Oct. 2009.
    [24] Jungwook Kim, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "An Effective Renaming Scheme for Reducing Temperature in the Register File", International Conference on Convergence Technology and Information Convergence 2009 (CTIC 2009), pp.123-127, Oct. 2009.
    [25] Na Ra Yang, Hong Jun Choi, Cheol Hong Kim, Sung Woo Chung, Seong Tae Jhang, Jeong-A Lee, "Thermal-aware Design Technique for the Processors using Filter Cache", International Conference on Convergence Technology and Information Convergence 2009 (CTIC 2009), pp.128-133, Oct. 2009.
    [26] Young-Sik Eom, Soong-Hyun Shin, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu-Shik Jhon, "Low Power Parity Generator for False Hit Detection in Data Cache", International Conference on Convergence Technology and Information Convergence 2009 (CTIC 2009), pp.150-156, Oct. 2009.
    [27] Jungwook Kim, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "Dynamic Register-Renaming Scheme for Reducing Power-Density and Temperature", ACM SAC(Symposium on Applied Computing) 2010, pp.231-237, March 2010
    [28] Jungwook Kim, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "Thermal-aware Register File based on Heat Transfer", International Conference on Reliable & Autonomous Computational Science 2010 (RACS 2010), pp.81~102, October, 2010.
    [29] Seokbin Kang, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, "On-chip Victim Cache for Shared Bus-based Chip Multiprocessors”, The 1st International Workshop on Reliable, Embedded, and Scalable Computing(REScom), pp.7-12, October, 2010.
    [30] Young Sik Eom, Seong Tae Jhang, and Chu Shik Jhon, "Throttling Capacity Sharing in Private L2 caches of CMPs”, ACM Research in Applied Computation Symposium 2011 (RACS 2011), pp.20~24, November, 2011.
    [31] Yun Kyo Cho, Seong Tae Jhang, and Chu Shik Jhon, "Selective Word Reading for High Performance and Low Power Processor”, ACM Research in Applied Computation Symposium (RACS 2011), pp.25~30, November, 2011.
    [32] Deqian Fu, Lisheng Gao and Seong Tae Jhang, "The investigation and implementation of real-time face pose and direction estimation on mobile computing devices”, ICDIP2012(2012 International Conference on Digital Image Processing), pp.8334-49-1 ~ 8334-49-6, Kualar Lumpur, Malaysia, April 7~8, 2012. (ISBN: 978-0-8194-8991-3)
    [33] Lisheng Gao, Deqian Fu and Seong Tae Jhang, "An Investigation and Implementation of Real-time Image Cropping on Mobile Computing Devices based on Saliency and Face Detection”, ICDIP2012(2012 International Conference on Digital Image Processing), pp.8334-4A-1 ~ 8334-4A-6, Kualar Lumpur, Malaysia, April 7~8, 2012. (ISBN: 978-0-8194-8991-3)
    [34] Deqian Fu and Seong Tae Jhang, "A New Approach for Long-term Person Tracking”, WCICA2012(2012 World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation), pp.4926~4930, July 6~8, 2012.
    [35] Deqian Fu and Seong Tae Jhang, "Visual Tracking via Multiple Representative Basic Appearance Models Based on L1 Minimization”, ACM RACS2012(2012 ACM Research in Applied Computation Symposium), pp.116~120, October 23~26, 2012.
    [36] Hyun-Bum Cho, Seong Tae Jhang, Ju-Hee Choi and Chu Shik Jhon "Word Selective Line Buffer with filter TLB for Low Power Instruction Cache”, WASET 2012 International Conference, Venice, Italy, pp.IT81000-1~IT81000-7, Nov. 14~16, 2012
    [37] Hyun-Bum Cho, Seong Tae Jhang, Ju-Hee Choi and Chu Shik Jhon "Low power instruction cache with word selective line buffer”, The 15th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, pp.215~222, Dec. 5~7, 2012.
    [38] Deqian Fu, Shunbo Hu and Seong Tae Jhang, "Visual Tracking with Representative Templates based on Low-Rank Matrix”, ACM RACS2013(2013 ACM Research in Applied Computation Symposium), pp.128~133, October 1~4, 2013.
    [39] Ju Hee Choi, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, "Word Selection Cache with Data Filter Cache for Low Power Embedded Processor”, ACM RACS2013(2013 ACM Research in Applied Computation Symposium), pp.422~427, October 1~4, 2013.
    [40] Shu Juan Gao, Insuk Kim and Seong Tae Jhang, "An Efficient Target Detection system Using Infrared Image”, The 2nd International Workshop on Smart Technologies for Energy, Information and Communication(IW-STEIC2013), pp.51~57, August 22-23, 2013.
    [41] Deqian Fu, Wenyin Zhang and Seong Tae Jhang, "A Method for Transforming the Online Handwritten Mathematical Formula into MathML”, 2014 ICCSSE(International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering), pp.128~133, April 26~27, 2014.
    [42] Ju Hee Choi, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, "Adaptive Cache Compression for Non-Volatile Memories in Embedded System”, ACM RACS2014(2014 ACM Research in Applied Computation Symposium), pp.52~57, October 5~8, 2014.
    [43] Deqian Fu and Seong Tae Jhang, "Visual Tracking with Multiple Representative Models based on Sparse Prototypes”, ACM RACS2014(2014 ACM Research in Applied Computation Symposium), pp.138~143, October 5~8, 2014.
    [44] Deqian Fu, Lihua Han, Zifen Yang and Seong Tae Jhang, "An Algorithm on Constructing Routing-based Multiple CDSs to prolong lifetime of WSN”, ACM RACS2015(2015 ACM Research in Applied Computation Symposium), pp.251~255, October 9~12, 2015.
    [45] Min Kyu Kim, Ju Hee Choi, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu-Shik Jhon, "Bypassing Method for STT-RAM based Inclusive Last-Level Cache”, ACM RACS2015(2015 ACM Research in Applied Computation Symposium), pp.424~429, October 9~12, 2015.
    [46] Gao Shu Juan and Seong Tae Jhang, "Infrared Target Tracking Using Multi-Feature Joint Sparse Representation”, ACM RACS2016(2016 ACM Research in Applied Computation Symposium), pp.40~45, October 11~14, 2016.
    [47] Kyeonghwan Lim, Jaemin Jeong, Seong-Je Cho, Jongmoo Choi, Minkyu Park, Sangchul Han and Seong Tae Jhang, "An Anti-Reverse Engineering Technique using Native code and Obfuscator-LLVM for Android Applications",  ACM RACS2017, pp.217~221, Sept. 20~23, 2017

    4) 국제 및 국내 특허

    [1] 장성태, 전주식, “분리형 트랜잭션 버스를 이용한 공유 메모리 다중 프로세서(Shared Memory Multiprocessor using Split-Transaction Bus)”, 출원 번호 : 94-1080, 등록일 : 1998년 2월 19일, 특허번호 : 138585
    [2] 장성태, 전주식, “Write-Invalidate Cache System for A Split Transaction Bus Based Shared Memory Multiprocessor”, Appl. No. 768,591, Data of Patent : Jun. 2, 1998, Patent Number : 5,761,724
    [3] 장성태, 전주식, “共有メモリマルチフロセッサ”, 1994년 1월 31일 일본에 특허 출원, 출원 번호 : 平成 6-9374, 등록일 : 1998년 2월 13일, Japanese Patent No. : 2746530.
    [4] 장성태, 전주식, “분산된 공유 메모리를 갖는 다중 프로세서(Multiprocessor System with Distributed Shared Memory)”, 1994년 12월 27일 특허 출원, 1995년 2월 7일 특허 보정 출원, 출원 번호 94-37241호, 등록일 :1998년 9월 15일, 한국특허번호 : 164940.
    [5] 장성태, 전주식, “메모리 모듈내에 디렉토리 캐쉬를 포함하는 다중 프로세서(Shared Memory Multiprocessor with a Directory Cache within the Memory Module)”, 1995년 2월 7일 특허 출원, 출원 번호 : 95-2102, 등록일 1998년 9월 15일, 한국특허번호 : 164919.
    [6] 장성태, 이재범, 전주식, “원격 접근 제어기 및 이것을 포함하는 분산된 공유 메모리 다중 프로세서(Shared Memory Multiprocessor with a Remote Access Cache Controller)”, 1995년 7월 4일 특허출원, 출원번호 95-19412, 등록일 : 1998년 4월 30일, 한국특허번호 : 145454.
    [7] 장성태, 김형호, 전주식, “분산된 공유 메모리를 갖는 다중 프로세서 장치(Multiprocessor using Distributed Shared Memory)”, 1998년 4월 23일 특허출원, 출원번호 98-14513, 등록일 : 2000년 11월 17일, 한국특허번호 : 0281465
    [8] 장성태, 김형호, 전주식, “Distributed Shared Memory Multiprocessor System Based On A Unidirectional Ring Bus Using A Snooping Scheme”, 1998년 7월 미국에 특허 출원, 출원번호 : 09/120,850, 특허등록일 : June. 26, 2001, 미국특허번호 : 6,253,292
    [9] 장성태, 김명주, 전주식, “방향 분리 이중 링 구조의 분산된 공유 메모리 다중 프로세서 시스템(SHARED MEMORY MULTI-PROCESSOR SYSTEM BY EMPLOYING A DIRECTION SEPARATED DUAL RING ARCHITECTURE)”, 2000년 2월 국내 특허출원, 출원번호: 2000-06401, 등록일 : 2001년 12월 21일, 한국 특허번호 : 0319708.
    [10] 장성태, 서효중, 엄성용, 전주식, “다단계 캐쉬 구조의 공유 메모리 다중 프로세서 장치(SHARED MEMORY MULTIPROCESSOR SYSTEM BASED ON MULTI-LEVEL CACHE)”, 2000년 2월 국내 특허출원, 출원번호 : 2000-06953, 등록일 : 2002년 6월 28일, 한국특허번호 : 0344065.
    [11] 장성태, 신정헌, 전주식, “비균등 메모리 접근 다중 프로세서 시스템 및 이의 원격 캐쉬 교체 방법(NON-UNIFORM MEMORY ACCESS SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR REPLACEMENT POLICY OF REMOTE CACHE)”, 2003년 8월 5일 국내특허출원, 출원번호 : 2003-0053992, 등록일 : 2005년 9월 23일, 한국특허번호 : 0518207
    [12] 장성태, 곽종욱, 전주식, “계층적 메모리 구조 프로세서 장치 및 그 프로세싱 방법(PROCESSOR SYSTEM OF HIERARCHICAL MEMORY STRUCTURE AND PROCESSING METHOD)”, 2004년 2월 11일 국내특허출원, 출원번호 : 10-2004-009007, 등록일 : 2006년 2월 8일, 한국특허번호 : 0552429
    [13] 장성태, 곽종욱, 전주식, “적응형 원격 캐쉬 구조의 공유 메모리 다중 프로세서 장치(SHARED MEMORY MULTI-PROCESSOR SYSTEM OF ADAPTIVE REMOTE ACCESS CACHE)”, 2003년 8월 4일 국내특허출원, 출원번호 : 2003-0053839, 등록일 : 2006년 4월 26일, 한국특허번호 : 0576099.
    [14] 장성태, 한상윤, 곽종욱, 전주식, “다중 캐쉬 구조의 다중 프로세서 시스템 및 그 원격 캐쉬의 교체 방법(MULTI-PROCESSOR SYSTEM OF MULTI-CACHE STRUCTURE AND REPLACEMENT POLICY OF REMOTE CACHE)”, 2004년 10월 28일 국내특허출원, 출원번호 : 2004-0086459, 등록일 : 2006년 8월 23일, 한국특허번호 : 0617875
    [15] 장성태, 전주식, 김철홍, “분리 1차 명령어 캐쉬를 구비한 프로세서 시스템 및 그 제어 방법(CONTROL METHOD AND PROCESSOR SYSTEM WITH PARTITIONED LEVEL-1 INSTRUCTION CACHE)”, 2006년 3월 14일 국내특허출원, 출원번호 : 2006-0023491, 등록일 : 2008년 3월 21일, 한국특허번호 : 10-0817625.
    [16] 장성태, 정양구 “철도노반 감시시스템(Monitoring System for Railway Roadbed)”, 2010년 9월 14일, 국내특허출원, 출원번호 : 10-2010-0089777, 등록일 : 2010년 12월 31일, 한국특허번호 : 10-1006719.
    [17] 장성태, 정양구 “장력감지식 보안시스템(Tension Sensing Type Guarding System)”, 2009년 9월 9일, 국내특허출원, 출원번호 : 10-2009-0084924, 등록일 : 2011년 03월 02일, 한국특허번호 : 10-1020568.
    [18] 장성태, 정양구 “장력감지식 보안시스템(Tension Sensing Type Guarding System)”, 2011년 2월 10일, 국내특허출원, 출원번호 : 10-2011-0011946, 등록일 : 2011년 05월 20일, 한국특허번호 : 10-1037373.
    [19] 장성태, 신숭현, “캐시 메모리 장치 및 이를 이용한 오류 검출 방법(CACHE MEMORY APPARATUS AND ERROR DETECTION METHOD USED ON IT)”, 2009 6월 11일, 국내특허출원, 출원번호 : 10-2009-0051954, 등록일 : 2011년 09월 15일, 한국특허번호 : 10-1066519.
    [20] 장성태, 정양구 “장력검출식 보안시스템(Tension Sensing Type Guarding System)”, 2011년 8월 29일, 국내특허출원, 출원번호 : 10-2011-0086414, 등록일 : 2011년 11월 25일, 한국특허번호 : 10-1088737.

    5) 국내학술회의 논문

    [1] 장성태, 전주식, “SNU Multiple Window Graphics Package(SIGMA-W)의 구현”, 한국정보과학회 ’86 가을 학술발표회 논문집, 제13권 2호, pp.826-831, 1986.
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  • 디지털 논리설계
    디지털 시스템 응용 및 실험
    컴퓨터 구조
    마이크로 프로세서 응용
    임베디드 시스템
    임베디드 하드웨어
저 서
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