교수소개 교수소개 정보공개 방법 : 포털로그인→종합정보시스템→인사→자기소개등록 공개여부 체크
성 명 정경호
소속학부 (과) 신소재공학 전공 고분자가공 및 접착
이메일 khchung@suwon.ac.kr 연구실 1공학관 411호
연락처 031-220-2109 FAX 031-220-2529
홈페이지 -
학 력
  • 한양대학교 섬유공학과, 공학사
    The U. of Akron, Dept. of Polymer Science, M.S.
    The U. of Akron, Dept. of Polymer Science, Ph.D.
경 력
  • 1991.3-1992.2 Clarkson U., Dept. of Chemistry, 연구원
    1992.3-현재 수원대학교 교수
    1998.3-현재 산업통상자원부 국가기술표준원(ISO 전문위원, 고무기술심의회 회장, 화학재료기술심의회 위원)
    1996.1-현재 ACS Rubber Division(정회원), International Rubber Conference Organization(한국대표)
    2011 - 2013    국방부 국방규격 조정위원
    2012 -             과학실천연합회 집행위원
    2012 - 2013    한국고무학회 회장
  • 탄닌을 이용한 환경친화 고기능성 접착제 및 OLED용 광경화 점착제
    초고비중탄성체 및 형상기억 탄성체
    치과용 실리콘 고무인상재
    자기장반응형 스마트 탄성체(자기유변 탄성체)
주요논문 (최근 5년간)
  • (주요논문)
    - "A Study on the Fatigue Property of Magneto-rheological Elastomers", Elastomers & Comp., 2018
    - "Enhanced magnetorheological performance of carbonyl iron/natural rubber composite elastomer with gamma-ferrite additive", Colloid & Sci, 2018
    - "Rheological analysis of self healing property of microcapsule containing asphalt", J of Industrial & Eng. Chem., 2018
    - "Interfacial adhesion and mechanical properties of MRE based on the natural rubber with different curing system", Polymer(Korea), 2018
    - "Effect of precured EPDM on the property of MRE based on NR/EPDM blend", Elastomers & Comp., 2018
    - "Zinc oxide catalyzed interfacial interaction of CIP in the AEM and its magneto induced properties", Chemistry Letters, 2018
    - "Microstructure and dynamic mechanical properties of MRE based on AEM prepared using different manufacturing methods", Micro & Nano Letters, 2018
    - "Effect of zinc oxide induced metal-ligand crosslink on the mechanical properties in the AEM", Materials Letters, 214, 2018
    - "Formation of core-shell structured complex microparticles during fabrication of MRE and their MR behavior", Smart Mater. Struct, 25, 2016
    - "Effect of carbon black on self-crosslinking network structure of polychloroprene rubber and exposidized natural rubber blends", Polymer Comp., 2016
    - "Characterization of the Dynamic Properties of Natural Rubbers Coagulated Using Different Methods ", Polymer 40(3), 2016
    - "Effect of Surface Treated Magneto-responsible Particle on the Property of Magnetorheological Elastomer Based on Silicone Rubber", Elastomers & Comp., 51(2), 2016
    - "Study on the Functionalization of Waste EPDM and PP Blend", Elastomers & Comp., 50(4), 2015
    - " Effects of magnetic field input cycle and peptizer on the MR effect of magnetorheological elastomer based on natural rubber", Polymer Eng & Sci, 55(11), 2015
    - "Fabrication and properties of MRE based on CR/ENR self crosslinking blends", Smart Mater. Struct., 24(9), 2015
    - " Preparation and characterization of microcapsule containing self healing asphalt", J of Ind. & Eng. Chem., 29(9), 2015
    - "Modification of Asphalt Using Polymer Forming Monomer", Polymer Eng. & Sci., 55(5), 2015
    - " Adsorption Property of Silicone Rubber Sticking Chuck for OLED Glass Substrate", Elastomers & Comp., 50(1), 2015
    - "MRE based on reactive blend of MAH modified CR and ENR", Elastomers & Comp., 49(4), 2014
    - "Study on the Design of Butyl Rubber Compound and Noise Reduction System for Sound Insulation", 49(2), 2014
    - "Effect of Liquid Isoprene Rubber on the Adhesion Property of UV Curable Acrylic Pressure Sensitive Adhesive", 49(3), 2014
    - " MRE with stiffness variable characteristics based on induced current applied to differential mount of vehicles", Smart Mater. Stuct, 27, 2014

  • 고분자접착과학, 고분자가공, 고분자프로세스공학 및 실험, 엘라스토머, 환경친화형도료설계
저 서
  • 고무과학과 기술, MRC 미래컴, 2001.
    고무공학, MRC 미래컴, 2004
    고분자과학, 교보문고, 2004
    엘라스토머 입문, 청문각, 2005
    고무재료와 가공기술, 일지사, 2008