교수소개 교수소개 정보공개 방법 : 포털로그인→종합정보시스템→인사→자기소개등록 공개여부 체크
성 명 정석환
소속학부 (과) 반도체공학과 전공 반도체소자, 집적광학
이메일 jeong@suwon.ac.kr 연구실 1공학관 308호
연락처 031-220-2428 FAX 미설정
홈페이지 미설정
학 력
  • 2003 PhD Tokyo Institute of Technology (Dept. Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
    2000 M.S. Tokyo Institute of Technology (
    Dept. Physical Electronics)
    1997 B.S. SungKyunKwan University (Dept. Material Engineering)
경 력
  • 2024.03 - 수원대학교 반도체공학과 학부장
    2023.03 - 수원대학교 자산관리처 부처장
    2021.03 - 수원대학교 전자재료공학부 학부장
    2020​.09 - 수원대학교 전자재료공학부 전자재료공학전공 주임교수

    2019.09 - 현재)  수원대학교 전자재료공학부 전임교원
    2019.04 - 2019.09) Fujitsu Ltd., Manager
    2015.04 - 2019.03) Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Research Manager
    2012.04 - 2015.03) Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Senior Researcher
    2006.10 - 2012.03) Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Staff Researcher
    2005.11 - 2006.09) AIST (Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Post Doc.
    2003.04 - 2005.10) NTT Photonics Laboratories, Post Doc.
    1997.04 - 2003.03) Japanese Government Scholarship Student
  • 광집적회로 (Photonic integrated circuits)
    도파광학 (Guided optics)
    반도체소자기술 (Semiconductor based device technologies)
주요논문 (최근 5년간)
  • Research Project
    9) 정보통신기획평가원 (2024.01.01-2024.12.31)  클라우드 네트워킹 핵심기술 개발(V)
    8) 한국전자통신연구원 (2023.04.01-2023.10.31) 6G 인도어망용 실리콘 기반 색분산 보상 기술 개발

    7) 정보통신기획평가원 (2023.01.01-2023.12.31)  클라우드 네트워킹 핵심기술 개발(IV)
    6) 수원대학교 학술진흥연구 (2022.09.01-2023.08.31) 반도체 배선 공정에 따른 설계 재현성 및 과도위상변화 분석기술 연구
    5) 한국전자통신연구원 (2022.04.12-2022.11.11) 6G 인도어망용 실리콘 기반 색분산 보상기 설계
    4) 정보통신기획평가원 (2022.01.01-2022.12.31)  클라우드 네트워킹 핵심기술 개발(III) (광역다중화기 편광무의존 구조연구)

    3) 정보통신기획평가원 (2021.01.01-2021.12.31)  클라우드 네트워킹 핵심기술 개발(II) (광수신기용 편광제어소자 구조연구)
    2) 정보통신기획평가원 (2020.03.01-2020.11.30)  클라우드 네트워킹 핵심기술 개발(I) (광수신기용 편광제어소자 구조연구)
    1) 수원대학교 학술진흥연구 (2020.01.01-2020.12.31) 4차산업용 대용량 정보처리를 위한 반도체 집적형 다채널 파장대역필터소자

    SCI Journal Papers
    50) S. –H. Jeong, Photonics, Vol(11), No(4), pp. 336, Apr. 2024
    ) S. –H. Jeong, H. Park, and J. K. Lee, Nanomaterials, Vol(13), No(16), pp. 2382, Aug. 2023   
    48) S. –H. Jeong, H. Park, and J. K. Lee, Curr. Opt. Photon., Vol(7), No(2), pp. 166-175, Apr. 2023   https://opg.optica.org/copp/abstract.cfm?uri=copp-7-2-166
    47) S. –H. Jeong, Opt. Quantum Electron., DOI: 10.1007/s11082-022-03934-y, Aug. 2022   https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11082-022-03934-y
    46) S. –H. Jeong, OSA Appl. Opt., Vol(60), No(30), pp. 9411-9418, Oct. 2021   https://opg.optica.org/ao/abstract.cfm?uri=ao-60-30-9411
    45) S. –H. Jeong, Curr. Opt. Photonics., Vol(5), No(6), pp. Dec. 2021   https://opg.optica.org/copp/abstract.cfm?uri=copp-5-6-711
    44) S. –H. Jeong, T. Horikawa, and T. Nakamura, OSA J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol(37), No(6), pp. 1847-1856, June 2020     https://www.osapublishing.org/josab/abstract.cfm?uri=josab-37-6-1847
    43) S. –H. Jeong, Y. Onawa, D. Shimura, H. Okayama, T. Aoki, H. Yaegashi, T. Horikawa, and T. Nakamura, [Top-Scored] IEEE J. Lightwave Technol., Vol(38), No(9), pp. 2680-2687, May 2020     https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8968329
    42) S. –H. Jeong, OSA Continuum, Vol(2), No(12), pp. 3564-3575, Dec. 2019  https://www.osapublishing.org/osac/abstract.cfm?uri=osac-2-12-3564
    41) T. Mogami, T. Horikawa, K. Kinoshita, Y. Hagihara, J, Ushida, M. Tokushima, J. Fujikata, S. Takahashi, T. Shimizu, A. Ukita, K. Takemura, M. Kurihara, K. Yashiki, D. Okamoto, Y. Suzuki, Y. Sobu, S. –H. Jeong, Y. Tanaka, T. Nakamura, and K. Kurata, J. Lightwave Technol., Vol(36), No(20), pp. 4701-4712, Oct., 2018  https://www.osapublishing.org/jlt/abstract.cfm?uri=jlt-36-20-4701
    40) Y. Sobu, S. –H. Jeong, and Y. Tanaka, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol(57), pp. 112501, Oct., 2018  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.7567/JJAP.57.112501/meta
    39) S. –H. Jeong, and Y. Tanaka, Appl. Opt., Vol(57), No(22), pp. 6474-6480, Aug. 2018   https://www.osapublishing.org/ao/abstract.cfm?uri=ao-57-22-6474
    38) S. –H. Jeong, and Y. Tanaka, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol(35), No(8), pp. 1871-1877, Aug. 2018  https://www.osapublishing.org/josab/abstract.cfm?uri=josab-35-8-1871
    37) T. Horikawa, D. Shimura, H. Okayama, S. –H. Jeong, H. Takahashi, J. Ushida, Y. Sobu, A. Shiina, M. Tokushima, K. Kinoshita, and T. Mogami, J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron., Vol(24), No(4), pp. 8200415, Jul./Aug. 2018   https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8325474?denied=
    36) S. Tanaka, T. Simoyama, T. Aoki, T. Mori, S. Sekiguchi, S. –H. Jeong, T. Usuki, Y. Tanaka, and K. Morito, J. Lightwave Technol., Vol(36), No(5), pp. 1275-1280, Mar. 2018   https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8276231
    35) T. Aoki, S. Sekiguchi, T. Simoyama, S. Tanaka, M. Nishizawa, N. Hatori, Y. Sobu, A. Sugama, T. Akiyama, A. Hayakawa, H. Muranaka, T. Mori, Y. Chen, S. –H. Jeong, Y. Tanaka, and K. Morito, J. Lightwave Technol., Vol(36), No(5), pp. 1262-1267, Mar. 2018   https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8268125
    34) T. Horikawa, D. Shimura, S. –H. Jeong, M. Tokushima, K. Kinoshita, and T. Mogami, Microelectron. Eng., Vol(156), pp. 46-49, Apr. 2016   https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1016/j.mee.2015.11.015
    33) S. –H. Jeong, Y Tanaka and K. Morito, J. Lightwave Technol., Vol(33), No(17), pp. 3736-3743, Sep. 2015   https://www.osapublishing.org/jlt/abstract.cfm?uri=jlt-33-17-3736
    32) S. –H. Jeong, D. Shimura, T. Simoyama, T. Horikawa, Y Tanaka and K. Morito, Opt. Lett., Vol(39), No(13), pp. 3702-3705, Jul. 2014   https://www.osapublishing.org/ol/abstract.cfm?uri=ol-39-13-3702
    31) S. –H. Jeong, D. Shimura, T. Simoyama, M. Seki, N. Yokoyama, M. Ohtsuka, K. Koshino, T. Horikawa, Y Tanaka and K. Morito, Opt. Express, Vol(21), No(25), pp. 30163-30174, Dec. 2013   https://www.osapublishing.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-21-25-30163
    30) S. Tanaka, S. –H. Jeong, S. Sekiguchi, T. Kurahashi, Y. Tanaka, and K. Morito, Opt. Express, Vol(20), No(27), pp. 28057-28069, Dec. 2012   https://www.osapublishing.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-20-27-28057
    29) S. –H. Jeong, S. Tanaka, T. Akiyama, S. Sekiguchi, Y. Tanaka, and K. Morito, Opt. Express, Vol(20), No(23), pp. 26000-26011, Nov. 2012   https://www.osapublishing.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-20-23-26000
    28) S. –H. Jeong, S. Tanaka, S. Sekiguchi, T. Kurahashi, N. Hatori, S. Akiyama, T. Usuki, T. Yamamoto, T. Akiyama, Y. Tanaka, and K. Morito, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol(51), No(8), pp. 082101-1~082101-5, Jul. 2012   https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1143/JJAP.51.082101/meta
    27) S. –H. Jeong, and K. Morito, Opt. Lett., Vol(36), No(3), pp. 322-324, Feb. 2011   https://www.osapublishing.org/ol/abstract.cfm?uri=ol-36-3-322
    26) S. –H. Jeong, and K. Morito, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol(28), No(1), pp.159-164, Jan. 2011   https://www.osapublishing.org/josab/abstract.cfm?uri=josab-28-1-159
    25) S. –H. Jeong, and K. Morito, J. Lightwave Technol., Vol(28), No(9), pp. 1323-1331, May 2010   https://www.osapublishing.org/jlt/abstract.cfm?uri=jlt-28-9-1323 
    24) S. –H. Jeong, and K. Morito, Opt. Express, Vol(18), No(8), pp. 8482-8490, Apr. 2010   https://www.osapublishing.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-18-8-8482
    23) S. –H. Jeong, and K. Morito, Express, Vol(18), No(5), pp. 4275-4288, Mar. 2010   https://www.osapublishing.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-18-5-4275 
    22) S. –H. Jeong, and K. Morito, Opt. Lett., Vol(34), No(22), pp. 3505-3507, Nov. 2009   https://www.osapublishing.org/ol/abstract.cfm?uri=ol-34-22-3505
    21) S. Tanaka, S. –H. Jeong, H. Yamasaki, S. Tomabechi, H. Uetake, H. Ekawa and K. Morito, IEEE J  Quantum Electron., Vol(45), No(9), pp. 1155-1162, Sep. 2009   https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/5210259 
    20) J. Sugisaka, N. Yamamoto, S. –H. Jeong, K. Komori, M. Itoh and T. Yatagai, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.,Vol(47), No(12), pp. 8829-8833, Dec. 2008   https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1143/JJAP.47.8829/meta 
    19) S. Matsuo, S. –H. Jeong, T. Segawa, H. Okamoto, Y. Kawaguchi, Y. Kondo, H. Suzuki and Y. Yoshikuni, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron., Vol(13), No(5), pp. 1122-1128, Sep./Oct. 2007   https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/4346497 
    18) S. –H. Jeong, N. Yamamoto, J. Sugisaka, M. Okano and K. Komori, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol(24), No(8), pp. 1951-1959, Aug. 2007   https://www.osapublishing.org/josab/abstract.cfm?uri=josab-24-8-1951 
    17) S. –H. Jeong, J. Sugisaka, N. Yamamoto, M. Okano and K. Komori, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Pt2, Vol(46), No(22), pp. L534-L536, Jun. 2007   https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1143/JJAP.46.L534/meta
    16) T. Kakitsuka, S. Matsuo, S. –H. Jeong, T. Segawa, H. Okamoto, Y. Kawaguchi, Y. Kondo, Y. Yoshikuni, and H. Suzuki, Opt. Quantum Electron., Volume 38, Numbers 12-14, pp. 1053-1060, Jan. 2007   https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11082-006-9030-z 
    15) S. –H. Jeong, S. Matsuo, T. Kakitsuka, H. Suzuki and Y. Yoshikuni, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Pt1, Vol(45), No(5A), pp. 4090-4096, May 2006   https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1143/JJAP.45.4090
    14) S. –H. Jeong, S. Matsuo, T. Segawa, H. Okamoto, Y. Kawaguchi, Y. Kondo, H. Suzuki and Y. Yoshikuni, Electron. Lett., Vol(41), No(21), pp. 1176-1178, Oct. 2005   https://digital-library.theiet.org/content/journals/10.1049/el_20052843;jsessionid=ny2u3xg4g813.x-iet-live-01
    13) S. –H. Jeong, S. Matsuo, Y. Yoshikuni, T. Segawa, Y. Ohiso, and H. Suzuki, Appl. Opt., Vol(44), No(28), pp. 6007-6016, Oct. 2005   https://www.osapublishing.org/ao/abstract.cfm?uri=AO-44-28-6007 
    12) S. –H. Jeong, S. Matsuo, Y. Yoshikuni, T. Segawa, Y. Ohiso, and H. Suzuki, IEICE Trans. Electron., Vol(E88-C), No(8), pp. 1747-1754, Aug. 2005   https://search.ieice.org/bin/summary.php?id=e88-c_8_1747 
    11) S. –H. Jeong, S. Matsuo, Y. Yoshikuni, T. Segawa, Y. Ohiso, and H. Suzuki, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Pt1, Vol(44), No(7A), pp. 4989-4996, Jul. 2005   https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1143/JJAP.44.4989
    10) S. Matsuo, S. –H. Jeong, T. Segawa, H. Okamoto, Y. Kawaguchi, Y. Kondo, H. Suzuki and Y. Yoshikuni, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron., Vol(11), No(5), pp. 924-930, Sep./Oct. 2005   https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/1564025
    9) S. –H. Jeong, S. Matsuo, Y. Yoshikuni, T. Segawa, Y. Ohiso, and H. Suzuki, Electron. Lett., Vol(40), No(16), pp. 990-992, Aug. 2004   https://digital-library.theiet.org/content/journals/10.1049/el_20045338
    8. S. –H. Jeong, T. Mizumoto, M. Takenaka, and Y. Nakano, Appl. Opt., Vol(42), No(33), pp. 6672-6677, Nov. 2003   https://www.osapublishing.org/ao/abstract.cfm?uri=AO-42-33-6672
    7) S. –H. Jeong, H. –C. Kim, T. Mizumoto, J. Wiedmann, S. Arai, M. Takenaka, and Y. Nakano, IEEE J. Quantum Electron., Vol(38), No(7), pp. 706-715, Jul. 2002   https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/1017579
    6) S. –H. Jeong, H. –C. Kim, T. Mizumoto, J. Wiedmann, S. Arai, M. Takenaka, and Y. Nakano, Electron. Lett., Vol(37), No(23), pp. 1387-1389, Nov. 2001   https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/966539
    5) S. –H. Jeong, K. Nakatsuhara, T. Mizumoto, M. Takenaka, and Y. Nakano, Appl. Opt., Vol(40), No(33), pp. 6042-6048, Nov. 2001
    4) S. –H. Jeong, T. Mizumoto, K. Nakatsuhara, M. Takenaka, and Y. Nakano, Electron. Lett., Vol(37), No(8), pp. 498-499, Apr. 2001   https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/919983
    3) K. Nakatsuhara, T. Shirado, S. –H. Jeong, T. Mizumoto, M. Takenaka and Y. Nakano, IEICE Trans. Electron., Vol(E85-C), No(4), pp. 1039-1045, Apr. 2002   https://search.ieice.org/bin/summary.php?id=e85-c_4_1039&category=C&year=2002&lang=E&abst=
    2) K. Nakatsuhara, T. Mizumoto, S. Hossain, S. –H. Jeong, Y. Tsukishima, B. –J. Ma, and Y. Nakano, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron., Vol(6), No(1), pp. 143-149, Jan./Feb. 2000   https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/826882
    1) K. Nakatsuhara, S. Hossain, T. Mizumoto, S. –H. Jeong, B. –J. Ma, and Y. Nakano, Electron. Lett., Vol(35), No(15), pp. 1243-1244, Jul. 1999   https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/790775
    Registered Patents
    41. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Wavelength demultiplexer, optical receiver and optical transmitter”  JP 6509626 (Apr. 12, 2019)
    40. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Optical element, the light emitting means and light receiving means”  CN 105278041 (Nov. 23, 2018)
    39. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Optical device, optical transmitter and optical receiver”  JP 6388502 (Aug. 24, 2018)
    38. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Optical receiver”  JP 6383590 (Aug. 10, 2018)
    37. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Wavelength multiplexers/demultiplexers and photonic integrated circuits”  JP 6266315 (Jan. 5, 2018)
    36. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Wavelength division multiplexing optical receiver”  JP 6123883 (Apr. 14, 2017)
    35. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Optical element and light receiving device”  US 9615152 (Apr. 4, 2017)
    34. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Wavelength division multiplexing optical receiver”  US 9584246 (Feb. 28, 2017)
    33. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Optical element, light transmitting device and light receiving device”  US 9547132 (Jan. 17, 2017)
    32. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Laser device that includes ring resonator”  CN 104067464 (Aug. 24, 2016)
    31. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Wavelength multiplexers/demultiplexers and optical receiver”  JP 5966616 (Jul. 15, 2016)
    30. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Wavelength multiplexers/demultiplexers and optical equipments”  JP 5910186 (Apr. 8, 2016)
    29. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Wavelength multiplexers/demultiplexers and photonic integrated circuits”  JP 5949610 (Jun. 17, 2016)
    28. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Wavelength multiplexers/demultiplexers, multi-wavelength lasers and multi-wavelength optical transmitters”  JP 5821742 (Oct. 16, 2015)
    27. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Laser device that includes ring resonator”  US 9130350 (Sep. 8, 2015)
    26. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Optical waveguide device and optical hybrid circuit”  JP 5720354 (Apr. 3, 2015)
    25. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Laser device ”  JP 5772989 (May 26, 2015)
    24. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “External resonator-type semiconductor laser element and optical element”  US 9020004 (Apr. 28, 2015)
    23. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “An external resonator type semiconductor laser element and an optical element”  CN 103718398 (Nov. 25, 2015)
    22. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “External cavity laser and optical device”  JP 5692388 (Feb. 13, 2015)
    21. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Optical hybrid circuit, optical receiver and light receiving method”  JP 5652030 (Nov. 28, 2014)
    20. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Optical hybrid circuit, optical receiver and light receiving method”  US 8885989 (Nov. 11, 2014)
    19. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Optical hybrid circuit, optical receiver and optical detection method”  JP 5640829 (Nov. 7, 2014)
    18. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Optical waveguide device and optical hybrid circuit”  US 8837879 (Sep. 16, 2014)
    17. Teruo Kurahashi, Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Rib-type optical waveguide and its manufacturing method”  JP 5609672 (Sep. 12, 2014)
    16. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Optical device, optical hybrid circuit and optical receiver”  US 8787713 (Jul. 22, 2014)
    15. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Optical hybrid circuit, optical receiver and optical detection method”  JP 5482346 (Feb. 28, 2014)
    14. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Optical hybrid circuit and optical receiver”  US 8649643 (Feb. 11, 2014)
    13. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Optical waveguide device and optical receiver”  JP 5454256 (Jan. 17, 2014)
    12. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Optical hybrid circuit, optical receiver and optical receiving method”  JP  5387393 (Oct. 18, 2013)
    11. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Optical device, optical hybrid circuit and optical receiver”  JP 5310511 (Jul. 12, 2013)
    10. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Optical hybrid circuit, optical receiver and optical receiving method”  JP 5287527 (Jun. 14, 2013)
    9. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Optical semiconductor device, manufacturing method thereof and optical transmission device”  US 8358885 (Jan. 22, 2013)
    8. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Optical hybrid circuit, optical receiver and light receiving method”  US 8306369 (Nov. 6, 2012)
    7. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Optical hybrid circuit, optical receiver and light receiving method”  US 8280256 (Oct. 2, 2012)
    6. Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Optical semiconductor equipment”  JP 4962367 (Apr. 6, 2012)
    5. Seok-Hwan Jeong, Haruhiko Kuwatsuka, “Semiconductor device, semiconductor integrated device and optical transmission equipment”  JP4962279 (Apr. 6, 2012)
    4. Seok-Hwan Jeong, Shinji Matsuo, Yuzo Yoshikuni, Toru Segawa, “Wavelength filter and wavelength tunable filter,”  JP 4634733 (Feb. 16, 2011)
    3. Seok-Hwan Jeong, Shinji Matsuo, Yuzo Yoshikuni, “Wavelength filter, wavelength tunable filter, and wavelength tunable laser”  JP 4625285 (Feb. 2, 2011)
    2. Seok-Hwan Jeong, Shinji Matsuo, Yuzo Yoshikuni, Toru Segawa, “Wavelength filter and wavelength tunable filter”  JP 4323348 (Sep. 2, 2009)
    1. Kouta Tateno, Seok-Hwan Jeong, “Semiconductor multilayer mirror and semiconductor optical device including the semiconductor multilayer mirror”  JP 4245993 (Apr. 2, 2009)
    Domestic Conferences
    14) Seok-Hwan Jeong, "[Invited] Silicon-based optical demultiplexer technologies for WDM interconnections in datacenter applications," 한국광학회 정기총회 및 2024년 동계학술발표회, 수원 컨벤션 센터, 2024년 2월, F1D-V.01
    13) 이동기, 박 혁, 이준기, 정석환, "광커플러 기반 위상거동 및 역다중화기 설계 최적화," 한국광학회 정기총회 및 2024년 동계학술발표회, 수원 컨벤션 센터, 2024년 2월, WP-V-.016
    12) 김지원, 박 혁, 이준기, 정석환, "실리콘 광배선 고밀도 집적화를 위한 곡선형 배선 설계
    ," 한국광학회 정기총회 및 2024년 동계학술발표회, 수원 컨벤션 센터, 2024년 2월, WP-V-.014
    11) 김재훈, 박 혁, 이준기, 정석환, "TM00모드 편광잡음 감소를 위한 방향성결합기형 필터 설계," 한국광학회 정기총회 및 2024년 동계학술발표회, 수원 컨벤션 센터, 2024년 2월, WP-V-.011
    10) 정석환, 김재훈, 김지훈, 이동기, 박 혁, 이준기 "실리콘 광배선 기반 편광제어소자의 TM모드 노이즈 감소를 위한 필터 설계," 광자기술학술회의 2023 (Photonics Conference 2023), 휘닉스 평창, 2023년 12월, TP-I-.008
    9) 김기섭, 정석환, "하이브리드 모드결합형 편광제어소자의 동작파장대역 증가를 위한 광커플러 설계," 광자기술학술회의 2021 (Photonics Conference 2021), 평창 알펜시아, 2021년 12월, WP-I-.001
    8) 정석환, "[튜토리얼] 광대역, 저전력화를 위한 실리콘 포토닉스 기술," 광인터넷 워크숍 Optical Internet Workshop (OIW 2021) Tutorial, 메종글래드 제주, 2021년 10월
    7) 정석환, "[초청강연]
    BeamPROP를 활용한 다모드 간섭 기반 반도체 광기능소자 개발," 싸이펨 컨퍼런스 Cyfem Conference, 2021년 9월
    6) 정석환, "[튜토리얼] 반도체 도파로 광기능소자 기술," 광전자 및 광통신 학술회의 Conference on Optical Communication (COOC 2021) 단기강좌 III, 부산 한화리조트, 2021년 6월

    5) 염휘, 정석환, "Y-branch와 MMI커플러를 이용하는 모드결합형 편광제어소자의 수치해석," 광자기술 학술회의 Photonics Conference 2020, 서울 COEX, 2020년 11월, TP-I-1 
    4) 이백형, 정석환, "
    실리콘 도파로 구조를 가지는 하이브리드 모드결합형 편광제어소자의 수치해석," 광자기술 학술회의 Photonics Conference 2020, 서울 COEX, 2020년 11월, TP-I-2 
    3) 정석환, "[초청강연] 실리콘 포토닉스 파장다중분할 파장대역필터 기술," 광전자 및 광통신 학술회의 Conference on Optical Communication (COOC 2020), 부산BEXCO, 2020년 9월 

    2) 정석환, "[초청강연] 파장다중통신 인터커넥션을 위한 실리콘 광기능소자," 광자기술 학술회의 Photonics Conference 2019, 강원도 평창, 2019년 12월 
    1) 정석환, "[초청강연] 광대역 인터커넥션을 위한 실리콘 포토닉스 집적소자기술," 광인터넷워크숍, 제주 메종글래드, 2017년 10월

    International Conferences
    95S. –H. Jeong, H. Park, and J. K. Lee, “Silicon-based polarization independent CWDM demultiplexer with TM-mode rejection filters” Advanced Photonics Congress (APC 2023), Busan, Korea, Jul. 2023, IW4A.4
    94S. –H. Jeong, H. Park, and J. K. Lee, “Silicon-nanowire-based polarization diversified CWDM optical DeMUX based on delayed interferometric filters” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2023), San Jose, CA, US, May, 2023, JW2A.15
    93S. –H. Jeong, “Flat-band 8-channel optical MUX/DeMUX for Long Reach (LR-8) 400GbE applications” Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD 2022), Torino, Italy, Sep. 2022, IS08

    92. T
    . Nakamura, D. Okamoto, Y. Suzuki, J. Fujikata, M. Noguchi, and S. –H. Jeong, “1.6-Tbps interconnection chip for co-packaged optics” International Symposium on Photonics and Electronics (ISPEC 2021), Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 2021
    91S. –H. Jeong, “Flat spectral band filter for fabrication tolerance and wideband spectral range” Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD 2021), Torino, Italy, Sep. 2021, P03
    90S. –H. Jeong, “Novel asymmetric splitting MMI based flatband optical (de)multiplexer for CWDM applications” Advanced Photonics Congress (APC 2021), Montreal, Canada, Jul. 2021, JTu1A.17
    89. J. Fujikata, M. Noguchi, S. –H. Jeong, Y. Onawa, D. Shimura, K. Kawashita, R. Katamawari, H. Okayama, S. Takahashi, H. Ono, H. Takahashi, H. Yaegashi, Y. Ishikawa, and T. Nakamura, “High-speed and 16-WDM operation of Ge/Si electro-absorption modulator for C-band spectral regime” Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC 2020), San Diego, USA, Mar. 2020, Th3C.4
    88. S. –H. Jeong, Y. Oonawa, D. Shimura, H. Okayama, T. Aoki, H. Yaegashi, T. Horikawa, and T. Nakamura, “[Highly Scored] 16-WDM silicon photonics  (De)multiplexers operating in C-band and O-band spectral regime” European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2019), Dublin, Ireland, Sep., 2019, M.1.A.3
    87. T. Akiyama, S. Oda, S. –H. Jeong, Y. Nakasha, A. Hayakawa, Y. Tanaka, and T. Hoshida, “A WDM Demultiplexer having an automated fabrication-error-correction capability to enable integration on low-end Si PIC platforms” European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2019), Dublin, Ireland, Sep., 2019, M.1.A.2
    86. J. Fujikata, J. Han, S. Takahashi, K. Kawashita, H. Ono, S. –H. Jeong, Y. Ishikawa, M. Takenaka, and T. Nakamura, “Si optical modulator with strained SiGe laser and Ge photodetector with lateral PIN junction for 56Gbaud optical transceiver” International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2019), Nagoya, Japan, Sep. 2019, B-2-02
    85. S. –H. Jeong, “Wideband 1×8 silicon optical demultiplexer based on point-symmetrical cascade Mach-Zehnder interferometers” Advanced Photonics Congress (APC 2019), San Francisco, USA, Jul., 2019, ITh1A.4
    84. T. Akiyama, S. Oda, S. –H. Jeong, Y. Nakasha, Y. Tanaka, and T. Hoshida, “A Demultiplexer with a complete fabrication-error-correction capability enabling high-wavelength-count (>64 ch) dense WDM on low-end Si PIC platforms” Optoelectronic and Communication Conference (OECC 2019), Fukuoka, Japan, Jul., 2019, TuE1-3
    83. S. –H. Jeong, “Wide spectral range operational and fabrication tolerant Si-wire WDM (de)multiplexers for optical interconnects” SPIE Photonics West (PW 2019), San Francisco, USA, Feb. 2019, 10923-23 
    82. T. Nakamura, J. Fujikata, S. –H. Jeong, and H. Yaegashi, “Toward optical interposers for 10-Tbps interconnection” International Symposium on Photonics and Electronics (ISPEC 2018), Tokyo, Japan, Dec 2018, C-2
    81. N. Nishizawa, S. –H. Jeong, and Y. Tanaka, “Packaging of hybrid-integrated light sources mounted on silicon platform” International Symposium on Photonics and Electronics (ISPEC 2018), Tokyo, Japan, Dec 2018, P-11
    80. T. Akiyama, T. Aoki, T. Mori, T. Simoyama, S. –H. Jeong, N. Hatori, S. Sekiguchi, Y. Sobu, S. Tanaka, M. Nishizawa, A. Sugama, A. Hayakawa, and Y. Tanaka, “Si (De)Multiplexers with automated fabrication-error correction” International Symposium on Photonics and Electronics (ISPEC 2018), Tokyo, Japan, Dec 2018, P-12
    79. T. Aoki, T. Simoyama, A. Sugama, S. Sekiguchi, Y. Sobu, S. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, S. -H. Jeong, M. Nishizawa, N. Hatori, A. Hayakawa, T. Mori, “[Invited] On-package high-density silicon photonics optical transceiver” European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2018), Roma, Italy, Sep., 2018, W1I.2
    78. S. –H. Jeong, “[Invited] Silicon photonics device technologies for on-chip WDM applications,” Optoelectronic and Communication Conference (OECC 2018), Jeju, Korea, Jul. 2018, 4E3-1
    77. S. –H. Jeong, “[Invited] Silicon photonics technologies for high-density optical interconnects” Optoelectronic and Communication Conference (OECC 2018), Workshop (Silicon Photoncis for High-speed Data Communication) Jeju, Korea, Jul. 2018
    76. T. Akiyama, T. Aoki, T. Simoyama, A. Sugama, S. Sekiguchi, Y. Sobu, S. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, S. -H. Jeong, M. Nishizawa, N. Hatori, A. Hayakawa, T. Mori, “Error-free loopback of a compact 25 Gb/s x 4 ch WDM transceiver assembly incorporating silicon (De)multiplexers with automated phase-error correction” Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC 2018), San Diego, USA, Mar. 2018, W1I.2
    75. S. –H. Jeong, and Y. Tanaka, “Silicon photonics technologies for high-density optical interconnects” International Symposium on Photonics and Electronics (ISPEC 2017), Tokyo, Japan, Dec 2017, C-1
    74. S. Tanaka, T. Simoyama, T. Aoki, T. Mori, S. Sekiguchi, S. –H. Jeong, Y. Tanaka, and K. Morito, “[Invited] Ultra-low-power (1.59 mW/Gbps), 56-Gbps PAM4 operation of Si photonic transmitter integrating segmented PIN Mach-Zehnder modulator and 28-nm CMOS driver” European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2017), Gothenburg, Sweden, Sep. 2017, Th.1.C.1
    73. T. Aoki, T. Akiyama, A. Sugama, A. Hayakawa, H. Muranaka, T. Simoyama, S. Tanaka, M. Nishizawa, N. Hatori, Y. Sobu, S. Sekiguchi,  S. –H. Jeong, Y. Tanaka and K. Morito, “Low crosstalk simultaneous 16-channel × 25 Gb/s operation of high density silicon photonics optical transceiver” European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2017), Gothenburg, Sweden, Sep. 2017, Tu.1.C.3
    72. T. Horikawa, D. Shimura, H. Takahashi, J. Ushida, Y. Sobu, A. Shiina, M. Tokushima, S. –H. Jeong, K. Kinoshita, and T. Mogami, “Resonant wavelength variation modelling for microring resonators based on fabrication deviation analysis” European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2017), Gothenburg, Sweden, Sep. 2017, P1.SC2.30
    71. S. –H. Jeong, Y. Sobu, and Y. Tanaka, “Manufacturing tolerance and polarization diversified silicon-wire demultiplexers” Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO-24 2017), Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 2017, Th2-02
    70. N. Hatori, K. Mizutani, S. –H. Jeong, Y. Tanaka, and K. Kurata, “High reflection tolerance of quantum dot distributed feedback lasers for silicon photonics transmitters” Group IV Photonics (GFP 2017), Berlin, Germany, Aug. 2017, ThC.5
    69. Y. Sobu, S. –H. Jeong, and Y. Tanaka, “Demonstration of low polarization dependent loss of 1.3 um two dimensional grating coupler” Group IV Photonics (GFP 2017), Berlin, Germany, Aug. 2017, ThP.8 
    68. T. Horikawa, D. Shimura, J. Ushida, A. Shiina, M. Tokushima, S. –H. Jeong, K. Kinoshita, and T. Mogami, “Spectral variation analysis for silicon grating coupler fabricated on a 300-mm SOI wafer” Group IV Photonics (GFP 2017), Berlin, Germany, Aug. 2017, ThP.17
    67. Aoki, T. Akiyama, A. Sugama, A. Hayakawa, H. Muranaka, T. Simoyama, S. Tanaka, M. Nishizawa, N. Hatori, Y. Sobu, S. Sekiguchi,  S. –H. Jeong, Y. Tanaka and K. Morito, “Low crosstalk simultaneous 12ch x 25Gb/s operation of high-density silicon photonics multichannel receiver” Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC 2017), Los Angeles, USA, Mar. 2017, W1A.2
    66. Y. Sobu, S. –H. Jeong, and Y. Tanaka, “Silicon photonics polarization splitting grating coupler for single mode fiber connnection” International Symposium on Photonics and Electronics (ISPEC 2016), Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 2016, P-10
    65. T. Horikawa, D. Shimura, J. Ushida, Y. Sobu, A. Shiina, M. Tokushima, S. –H. Jeong, K. Kinoshita, and T. Mogami, “Extraction of fabrication variation for silicon optical waveguide devices” International Symposium on Photonics and Electronics (ISPEC 2016), Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 2016, P-8
    64. S. –H. Jeong, and Y. Tanaka, “[Invited] On-chip silicon photonics technologies for WDM-based optical interconnects” International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2016), Tsukuba, Japan, Sep. 2016, C-2-05
    63. Y. Sobu, S. –H. Jeong, Y. Tanaka and K. Morito, “300-mm ArF-immersion lithography technology based Si-wire grating couplers with high coupling efficiency and low crosstalk” Optoelectronic and Communication Conference (OECC 2016), Niigata, Japan, Jul. 2016, TuE4.3
    62. S. –H. Jeong, Y. Sobu, Y. Tanaka and K. Morito, “WDM Interconnect targeted Si-wire demultiplexers for large manufacturing tolerance, low voltage tenability and polarization diversified operability” Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC 2016), Anaheim, USA, Mar. 2016, Tu2F.6
    61. K. Morito, S. –H. Jeong, S. Tanaka, T. Simoyama, S. Okumura, Y. Sobu, and Y. Tanaka, “[Invited] Silicon photonics devices for chip-to-chip communications” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR 2015), Busan, Korea, Aug. 2015, 25J1-1
    60. S. –H. Jeong, Y. Tanaka and K. Morito, “[Invited] Silicon photonics optical demultiplexer technology for WDM optical interconnects” Optoelectronic and Communication Conference (OECC 2015), Shanghai, China, Jul. 2015, JWeE.22
    59. T. Horikawa, D. Shimura, S. –H. Jeong, M. Tokushima, K. Kinoshita, and T. Mogami, “Process Control and Monitoring in Device Fabrication for Optical Interconnection using Silicon Photonics Technology” IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conference (IITC 2015), Grenoble, France, May 2014, P.8.3
    58. Y. Sobu, S. –H. Jeong, S. Sekiguchi, Y. Tanaka and K. Morito, “Si-wire grating couplers for integrated optical transceivers based on single-mode fiber connection” SPIE Photonics West (PW 2015), San Francisco, USA, Feb. 2014, 9367-10
    57. S. –H. Jeong, D. Shimura, Y. Tanaka and K. Morito, “Ring resonator assisted multiple delayline based Si-wire WDM DeMUX with the highest spectral flatness” International Symposium on Photonics and Electronics (ISPEC 2014), Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 2014, P52
    56. S. –H. Jeong, D. Shimura, T. Simoyama, T. Horikawa, Y. Tanaka and K. Morito, “Multistage delayed interferometer based Si-wire WDM DeMUX based on 300-mm waferscale ArF-immersion lithography process” International Symposium on Photonics and Electronics (ISPEC 2014), Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 2014, P53
    55. S. –H. Jeong, D. Shimura, Y. Tanaka and K. Morito, “Novel Si-wire microring assisted multiple delayline based optical demultiplexer with the highest spectral flatness” European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2014), Cannes, France, Sep. 2014, We1.4.3
    54. S. –H. Jeong, Y. Tanaka and K. Morito, “[Invited] Silicon photonics optical DeMUX technology for WDM applications” Conference on Optical Internet (COIN 2014), Jeju island, Korea, Aug. 2014, TC1-1
    53. S. –H. Jeong, Y. Tanaka and K. Morito, “[Invited] Higher-order Ring Resonators and Delayed Interferometers Based on 300-mm SOI Technology for WDM Applications” Progress In Electromagnetics Symposium (PIERS 2014), Guangzhou, China, Aug. 2014, 1P_10b
    52. D. Shimura, T. Horikawa, H. Okayama, S. –H. Jeong, M. Tokushima, H. Sasaki and T. Mogami, “High precision Si waveguide devices designed for 1.3-um and 1.55-um wavelengths on 300-mm SOI” Group IV Photonics (GFP 2014), Paris, France, Aug. 2014,  WE1
    51. S. –H. Jeong, D. Shimura, T. Shimoyama, M. Seki, N. Yokoyama, M. Ohtsuka, K. Koshino, T. Horikawa, Y Tanaka and K. Morito, “Delayed interferometer based Si-wire WDM demultiplexers fabricated by phase controllable and productive 300-mm wafer-scale ArF-immersion lithography technology” Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC 2014), San Francisco, USA, Mar. 2013, TF3F.5
    50. S. –H. Jeong, D. Shimura, T. Shimoyama, M. Seki, N. Yokoyama, M. Ohtsuka, K. Koshino, T. Horikawa, Y Tanaka and K. Morito, “Low loss and flatband silicon-nanowire-based 5th-order coupled resonator optical waveguides fabricated by ArF-immersion lithography process on a 300-mm SOI wafer” SPIE Photonics West (PW 2014), San Francisco, USA, Feb. 2014, 8990-4
    49. S. Tanaka, S. –H. Jeong, T. Akiyama, S. Sekiguchi, T. Kurahashi, Y. Tanaka and K. Morito, “Low-tuning-power wavelength-selectable silicon hybrid laser for WDM transmitter” Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2013), Fukuoka, Japan, Sep. 2013, K-6-2
    48. S. Tanaka, S. –H. Jeong, S. Sekiguchi, T. Akiyama, T. Kurahashi, Y. Tanaka and K. Morito, “Four wavelength silicon hybrid laser array with ring resonator based for efficient CWDM transmitter” Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC 2013), Los Angeles, USA, Mar. 2013, OTh1D.3
    47. S. Tanaka, S. –H. Jeong, T. Akiyama, S. Sekiguchi, T. Kurahashi, Y. Tanaka and K. Morito, “[Invited] High-power flip-chip bonded silicon hybrid laser for temperature control free operation with micro-ring resonator based modulator” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, US, Feb., 2013, 8630-26
    46. S. –H. Jeong, S. Tanaka, T. Akiyama, S. Sekiguchi, Y. Tanaka and K. Morito, “Low loss and flatband optical MUX/DeMUX based on microring resonator assisted delayed Mach-Zehnder interferometers” IEEE Photonics Conference  (IPC 2012), San Francisco, US, Sep., 2012, MP4
    45. T. Akiyama, S. Tanaka, T. Kurahashi, S. –H. Jeong, S. Sekiguchi, Y. Tanaka, and K. Morito, “Wavelength-tuning-free 10-Gb/s operation of a silicon-integrated resonantly-enhanced modulator and single-mode laser” Group IV Photonics (GFP 2012), San Diego, US, Aug., 2012, FD3
    44. S. Tanaka, S. –H. Jeong, S. Sekiguchi, T. Kurahashi, Y. Tanaka, and K. Morito, “Highly-efficient, low-noise Si hybrid laser using flip-chip bonded SOA,” IEEE Optical Interconnect Conference (OIC 2012), Santa Fe, US, May, 2012, MB2
    43. S. –H. Jeong, S. Tanaka, S. Sekiguchi, T. Kurahashi, N. Hatori, S. Akiyama, T. Usuki, T. Yamamoto, Y. Tanaka and K. Morito, “Hybrid cavity laser with Si-wire microring resonator for temperature control free optical transmitter” International Symposium on Photonics and Electronics (ISPEC 2011), Tokyo, Japan, Nov., 2011, P40
    42. S. –H. Jeong, S. Tanaka, S. Sekiguchi, T. Kurahashi, N. Hatori, S. Akiyama, T. Usuki, T. Yamamoto and K. Morito, “Hybrid laser with Si ring resonator and SOA for temperature control free operation with ring resonator-based modulator” Group IV Photonics (GFP 2011), London, England, Sep., 2011, ThB2
    41. S. –H. Jeong, and K. Morito, “Compact and wideband optical 90-degree hybrid based on a one-way tapered MMI coupler” Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC 2011), Los Angeles, USA, Mar., 2011, OThD2
    40. S. –H. Jeong, and K. Morito, “[Invited] Optical 90-degree hybrid for demodulating optical signals with QPSK modulation formats” Optoelectronic and Communication Conference (OECC 2010), Sapporo, Japan, Jul., 2010, 8E3-2
    39. S. –H. Jeong, and K. Morito, “Novel InP-based optical 45-degree hybrid for demodulating 8-ary DPSK signal” International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IPRM 2010), Takamatsu, Japan, May, 2010, FrA1-3
    38. S. –H. Jeong, and K. Morito, “Compact InP-based optical 90-degree hybrid using a tapered 2×4 MMI and a 2×2 MMI coupler” International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IPRM 2010), Takamatsu, Japan, May, 2010, FrA1-4
    37. S. Tanaka, S. –H. Jeong, A. Uetake, S. Yamasaki, and K. Morito, “Monolithically integrated 8:1 SOA gate switch with small gain deviation and large input power dynamic range for WDM signals,” International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IPRM 2010), Takamatsu, Japan, May, 2010, WeA3-3
    36. S. –H. Jeong, and K. Morito, “[Invited] Novel optical 90-degree hybrid with low wavelength sensitive power balance and phase deviation over 94-nm-wide spectral range” European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2009), Vienna, Austria, Sep., 2009, 2.2.3
    35. S. –H. Jeong, S. Tanaka, H. Yamasaki, S. Tomabechi, H. Uetake, H. Ekawa and K. Morito, “Compact 1×8 mode-conversion-type optical coupler with a low interchannel imbalance for monolithically integrated SOA gate switch” OSA Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications (IPNRA 2008), Boston, USA, Jul., 2008, IMA6
    34. S. Tanaka, S. –H. Jeong, S. Yamasaki, S. Tomabechi, A. Uetake, M. Ekawa and K. Morito, “Polarization insensitive monolithically integrated 8:1 SOA gate switch with large gain and high extinction ratio,” Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC 2008), Anaheim, USA, Feb., 2008, OWE2
    33. T. Kakitsuka, S. Matsuo, S. –H. Jeong, T. Segawa, H. Okamoto, Y. Kawaguchi, Y. Kondo, Y. Yoshikuni and H. Suzuki, “Design of a widely tunable laser with a chirped ladder filter,” Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD 2006), Singapore, Sept. 2006, TuD2
    32. S. Matsuo, S. –H. Jeong, T. Segawa, H. Okamoto, Y. Kawaguchi, Y. Kondo, H. Suzuki and Y. Yoshikuni, “Frequency stability in high speed frequency switching of digitally tunable laser using ladder filter,” Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC 2006), Anaheim, USA, Mar., 2006, OWL3
    31. S. Matsuo, and S. –H. Jeong, “[Invited] Digitally tunable laser using a ladder filter,” (LEOS 2005), Sydney, Australia, Oct., 2005,
    30. S. Matsuo and S. –H. Jeong, “[Invited] Digitally tunable laser using ladder filter and ring resonator,” Optoelectronic and Communication Conference (OECC 2005), Seoul, Republic of Korea, Jul., 2005, 7F3-2
    29. S. –H. Jeong, S. Matsuo, Y. Yoshikuni, T. Segawa, Y. Ohiso, and H. Suzuki, “Flattened spectral characteristics in a ladder interferometric filter,” Contemporary Photonic Technologies (CPT 2005), Tokyo, Japan, Jan., 2005, J-4
    28. S. –H. Jeong, S. Matsuo, Y. Yoshikuni, T. Segawa, Y. Ohiso, and H. Suzuki, “Tuning characteristics of chirped ladder-type filter for widely tunable laser,” Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS 2004), Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, Nov., 2004, TuQ4
    27. S. –H. Jeong, S. Matsuo, Y. Yoshikuni, T. Segawa, Y. Ohiso, and H. Suzuki, “Novel tunable ladder-type filter for widely tunable laser diodes,” Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2004), Tokyo, Japan, Sep., 2004, H-10-1
    26. S. –H. Jeong, S. Matsuo, Y. Yoshikuni, T. Segawa, Y. Ohiso, and H. Suzuki, “Chirped ladder-type filter for widely tunable laser diodes,” Optoelectronic and Communication Conference (OECC 2004), Yokohama, Japan, Jul., 2004, 15F1-3
    25. S. Matsuo, S. –H. Jeong, T. Segawa, H. Okamoto, Y. Kawaguchi, Y. Kondo, H. Suzuki and Y. Yoshikuni, “Digitally tunable ring laser using ladder filter and ring resonator,” International Semiconductor Laser Conference (ISLC 2004), Kunibiki, Japan, Sep., 2004, SaA1
    24. S. Matsuo, S. –H. Jeong, T. Segawa, H. Okamoto, Y. Kawaguchi, Y. Kondo, H. Suzuki and Y. Yoshikuni, “Monolithically integrated digitally tunable laser using ladder filter and ring resonator,” European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2004), Stockholm, Sweden, Sep., 2004, We4.P.062
    23. J. –K. Seo, S. –H. Jeong, T. Mizumoto, M. Takenaka, and Y. Nakano, “Measurement of Nonlinear Response of GaInAsP DFB Waveguide Using a Pump-Probe Method,” Contemporary Photonic Technologies (CPT 2004), Tokyo, Japan, Jan., 2004, F-4
    22. J. –K. Seo, S. –H. Jeong, T. Mizumoto, M. Takenaka, and Y. Nakano, “Measurement of intensity dependent response of GaInAsP distributed feedback waveguide,” Micro-Optics Conference (MOC 2003), Tokyo, Japan, Oct., 2003, H39
    21. S. –H. Jeong, T. Mizumoto, M. Takenaka, and Y. Nakano, “All-optical wavelength conversion in a GaInAsP/InP nonlinear DFB-gate,” Optoelectronic and Communication Conference (OECC 2002), Yokohama, Japan, Jul., 2002, 12C2-5
    20. S. –H. Jeong, H. –C. Kim, T. Mizumoto, J. Wiedmann, S. Arai, M. Takenaka, and Y. Nakano, “Polarization independent switching characteristics in a passive highmesa waveguide with vertically etched Bragg reflector,” Conference on Optical Internet and Photonics in Switching (COIN+PS 2002), Cheju Island, Korea, Jul., 2002, PS.MoB5
    19. S. –H. Jeong, T. Mizumoto, M. Takenaka, and Y. Nakano, “GaInAsP/InP nonlinear DFB gate for all-optical wavelength conversion,” Conference on Optical Internet and Photonics in Switching (COIN+PS 2002), Cheju Island, Korea, Jul., 2002, PS.WeB6
    18. S. –H. Jeong, H. –C. Kim, T. Mizumoto, J. Wiedmann, S. Arai, M. Takenaka, and Y. Nakano, “All-optical polarization independent switching in a nonlinear DFB waveguide with vertically etched grating,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/QELS 2002), Long Beach, USA, May, 2002, CMB2
    17. S. –H. Jeong, H. –C. Kim, T. Mizumoto, J. Wiedmann, S. Arai, M. Takenaka, and Y. Nakano, “Polarization independent all-optical switching employing nonlinear vertical groove DFB waveguide,” Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC 2002), Anaheim, USA, Mar., 2002, TuU3
    16. S. –H. Jeong, H. –C. Kim, T. Mizumoto, J. Wiedmann, S. Arai, M. Takenaka, and Y. Nakano, “Demonstration of polarization insensitive all-optical switching in a highmesa distributed feedback waveguide,” Contemporary Photonic Technologies (CPT 2002), Tokyo, Japan, Jan., 2002, B-5
    15. S. –H. Jeong, T. Mizumoto, K. Nakatsuhara, M. Takenaka, and Y. Nakano, “Nonlinear distributed feedback waveguide for polarization independent all-optical switching,” Micro-Optics Conference (MOC 2001), Osaka, Japan, Oct., 2001, H12
    14. S. –H. Jeong, T. Mizumoto, K. Nakatsuhara, M. Takenaka, and Y. Nakano, “Nonlinear GaInAsP DFB waveguide for polarisation independent all-optical switching,” Optoelectronic and Communication Conference (OECC 2001), Sydney, Australia, Jul., 2001, TuP3
    13. S. –H. Jeong, K. Nakatsuhara, T. Mizumoto, M. Takenaka, and Y. Nakano, “Demonstration of all-optical set-reset switching in a nonlinear rib waveguide loaded with Bragg reflector,” Contemporary Photonic Technologies (CPT 2001), Tokyo, Japan, Jan., 2001, Tb-2
    12. S. –H. Jeong, K. Nakatsuhara, T. Mizumoto, M. Takenaka, and Y. Nakano, “Dependence of control light wavelength in all-optical switching of nonlinear strip-loaded distributed feedback waveguide,” IEEE Annual Meeting on Lasers and Electro-Optics (LEOS 2000), Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, Nov., 2000, WEE4
    11. S. –H. Jeong, K. Nakatsuhara, T. Mizumoto, M. Takenaka, and Y. Nakano, “Demonstration of all-optical switching with orthogonally polarized control and signal light,” OSA Nonlinear Optics: Materials, Fundamentals, and Applications (NLO 2000), Kauai’ Island, Hawaii, USA, Aug., 2000, TuD4
    10. S. –H. Jeong, T. Mizumoto, K. Nakatsuhara, M. Takenaka, and Y. Nakano, “Highmesa distributed feedback waveguide for polarization insensitive all-optical switching,” Optoelectronic and Communication Conference (OECC 2000), Makuhari, Japan, Jul., 2000, 12C2-5
    9. K. Nakatsuhara, T. Mizumoto, T. Shirado, S. –H. Jeong, M. Takenaka, and Y. Nakano, “Demonstration of optically-controlled switching in nonlinear directional coupler loaded with grating,” European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2001), Amsterdam, Netherlands, Sep., 2001, WeP10
    8. K. Nakatsuhara, S. -H. Jeong, Y. Tsukishima, T. Mizumoto, B.-J. Ma, and Y. Nakano, "Demonstration of all-optical threshold operation in GaInAsP distributed feedback waveguides and its application to AND gates," Optoelectronic and Communication Conference (OECC 1999), Beijing, China, Oct., 1999, pp1568-1570
    7. K. Nakatsuhara, S. -H. Jeong, S. Hossain, T. Mizumoto, B.-J. Ma, and Y. Nakano, "All-optical bistability in a nonlinear directional coupler loaded with Bragg reflector," Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 1999), Tokyo, Japan, Sep., 1999, E-6-1
    6. K. Nakatsuhara, S. -H. Jeong, Y. Tsukishima, T. Mizumoto, B.-J. Ma, and Y. Nakano, "Demonstration of all-optical AND gate operation in a GaInAsP waveguide," Conference on Micro-Optics (MOC 1999), Makuhari, Japan, Jul., 1999, MJ-4
    5. K. Nakatsuhara, S. -H. Jeong, Y. Tsukishima, T. Mizumoto, B.-J. Ma, and Y. Nakano, "Demonstration of all-optical AND gate operation in a GaInAsP waveguide," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO/PR 1999), Seoul, Korea, Aug., 1999, ThM5
    4. K. Nakatsuhara, T. Mizumoto, S. -H. Jeong, T. shirado, B.-J. Ma, and Y. Nakano, "All-optical switching characteristics in nonlinear directional coupler loaded with Bragg reflector," OSA Nonlinear Optics: Materials, Fundamentals, and Applications (NLO 2000), Kauai’ Island, Hawaii, USA, Aug., 2000, TuB27
    3. K. Nakatsuhara, T. Mizumoto, T. Shirado, S. -H. Jeong, B. -J. Ma, and Y. Nakano, "All-optical switching with separate wavelength for probe and control in nonlinear directional coupler loaded with Bragg reflector," IEEE Annual Meeting on Lasers and Electro-Optics (LEOS 2000), Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, Nov., 2000, ThC1
    2. K. Nakatsuhara, T. Mizumoto, S. Hossain, S. -H. Jeong, B. -J. Ma, and Y. Nakano, "All-optical switching in a nonlinear directional coupler loaded with Bragg reflector," European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 1999), Nice, France, Sep., 1999, Vol(II), pp 174-175
    1. K. Nakatsuhara, T. Mizumoto, E. Takahashi, S. Hossain, S. -H. Jeong, B. -J. Ma and Y. Nakano, "Nonlinear directional coupler loaded with Bragg reflector," IEEE Annual Meeting on Lasers and Electro-Optics (LEOS 1998), Orlando, USA, Dec., 1998, WP2
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